
Depuis le début

I kicked my shoes off by the door, "How do you know when my papa gets home?" I asked. "Because I spend almost every Friday ova here." He said in a duhh tone. "Oh." I replied, like it was nothing.

I slowly walked over to the couch and sat down next to Shawn. I'm kind of glad Shawn still came to visit my papa even though I wasn't here, glad they never lost their bond. I know that they both probably needed each other when I had left.

A question came across my mind and I looked at Shawn, "Why didn't you just ask my papa for my new number?" I asked. Five minutes went by, we sat there me looking at him, waiting for an answer and him just looking straight ahead staring off into space.

Finally he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, leaving me confused. Before I could say anything, he stood up and walked into the kitchen. I jumped up hot on his trails, "You don't know?" I questioned and he nodded going into the fridge.

A chuckle came from me, "Really Shawn? You don't know? Almost every Friday you had the perfect opportunity to get a way to contact me and you never took that opportunity because you don't know?"

He brought a bottle of apple juice out the fridge and sat it on the table. "That's what I said didn't I?" He questioned. I snatched the apple juice off the table and pointed to the sticker with my name on it, on the front of the bottle.

"Girl I do not care." He said and grabbed another one of my apple juices out of the fridge.

I sighed and walked out of the kitchen, I grabbed my book bag that I had sat by the door and went upstairs to my room. I sat my bottle of apple juice down on my dresser and removed the hair tie from around my box braids letting them fall. I tossed the hair tie on my dresser and took off my glasses.

I heard my room door opened and I looked in the mirror to see Shawn walk into my room. "Please get yo ass out." I said letting my attitude be known.

"I didn't drink your fuckin apple juice I put it back fuckin crybaby." He said harshly and I turned around. "You dummy, ain't nobody upset about the apple juice you can have it. You lied straight to my face." I replied and he sighed.

He closed the door behind him and sat down on my bed. He kicked his shoes off and brushed his hands over his waves. "I'm not ready to talk about it. You gotta give a nigga some time, I'm still stuck on yo ass actually being back ite." He said.

It took me a minute but I nodded my head understanding where he's coming from. Even though Shawn was a kid he always had a good reason to why he do the shit he do and why he doesn't do certain shit. For as long as I've known Shawn he's been one intelligent individual.

I took off my jean jacket and tossed it over Shawn's head, it landed behind him on my bed. "Can I see it now?" I asked and he looked up from his phone, I gave him a nervous smile and he rolled his eyes playfully.

He sat his phone down next to him and stood up. His entire face changed, it was hard and cold like he were a completely different person. He took off his shirt but he didn't turn around. "No tears alright? I'm serious Dez." I nodded. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

Once I got myself under control, I slowly opened my eyes. The tears formed in my eyes but I didn't make a sound, I couldn't make a sound. All I could do is stare at his back covered in multiple stab wounds. It wasn't just one like it would have usually been, they held him down, they had too. He wouldn't just lie there and let them stab him repeatedly all over his back.

I slowly walked closer to him and the closer I got, the more I cried without making a single sound. My hands slowly found their way to his back and as soon as I felt one of the wounds, my other hand clamped over my mouth. I pulled my hand back from his back and brought it up against my chest.

There were too many to count, but the one that stuck out the most is the one in the middle of his back. It started at the top half and didn't finish until the lower end of his back.

They tortured him.

I could feel myself about to burst, so I quickly left the room. I ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. My hand still held onto the door knob as I slowly sat down on the bathroom floor.

As I sat there crying, the guilt ate me alive. It's because of me, he wanted to leave because of me, so he did and he suffered for it all because of me. I wasn't there for him either, he was alone while they did that to him. Absolutely no one to hold his hand, to stop them, no one to sit at the hospital with him, he didn't have anyone and it's my fault.

The more I thought about the more I imagined it. The more I imagined Damien being the one to do that to him. The more angry I became with everything that had happened. It felt like my entire body became heavy, like I couldn't lift myself up.

"Dez I'm home and whose care is that?!" I heard Desire shout from downstairs and then a door slam.

I quickly wiped my face and tried my best to stand up, literally I felt like I had no strength at all. "Dez." Shawn called from the other side of the door.

I cleared my throat as I turned on the water, "Ju-just hold on." I said chocked out. The dryness in my throat was starting to get to me. I splashed some water on my face before turning off the faucet. I grabbed a wash cloth from the bathroom cabinet and wiped my face.

"Why you here? It's not even Friday." I heard Desire say and I knew she was talking to Shawn. I opened the bathroom door with quickness, "He brought me home because you were to busy doing whatever the fuck you were doing and he can be here whenever he wants." I snapped.

I snapped at Shawn earlier when I should be snapping at this heffa. "Girl chillat I was busy and dad doesn't allow boys in the house while he isn't here, but Ian no snitch so do you." She smirked.

"It's not even like dat and you know dat shit so why you even say it?" Shawn asked her and she kissed her teeth, looking him up and down in disgust. "Boy you can get yo hood hoppin ass outta my fuckin house." She replied.

Shawn chuckled lightly but it wasn't a laughing kind of chuckle, it came out sinister like. "Da only time I've ever put my hands on a female was for Dez. When she left, dats when I stopped but I'm about three seconds from sending yo ass straight to god earlier than he fuckin planned." He threatened.

"Okay, okay." I said and literally dragged Shawn into my room. I heard a door slam and I knew it was Desire slamming her room door. I closed mines as well and looked at Shawn, "were you really gonna hit her?" I asked.

"Hell yeah, I hate her." He replied.

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