Chapter 17

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     As he exited the cave, David could see at least thirty men dressed in full tactical gear, and even some small military vehicles with massive guns attached to the top of them. All of them were pointing their guns at David, who had his hands up as he slowly walked closer to Ferguson and his man. The old man was surprised to see David, mostly because he looked exactly the same as he did the very first time they had met a few decades earlier.

     "Hello, Mr. Ferguson." David said, "It's been a while."

     "For me maybe," the old man replied, "But you haven't aged a day."

     "Feels like yesterday to me," David recalled.

     "I bet it was," Ferguson said, giving off a light chuckle.

     "Care to explain why you're trespassing on my land?" David asked.

     "This is all yours?" Ferguson asked.

     "It's my family's land." David informed him, "It's been ours for generations and my brother is the current owner of everything around here for quite some ways. That means you're all trespassing. I asked you to identify yourself and present a warrant. Upon failure to do so after being warned, I was within my rights to defend my family and my property. So the only one standing on the legal high ground is yours truly."

     "We'll be willing to leave you and your brother alone," Ferguson said, "As long as you tell us where the time machine is."

     "Why do you want this thing so bad?" David asked, playing along with the old man's assumption that it was a machine.

     "The ability to travel through time is a gift," Ferguson replied, "It's not fair for a small group of people, one family no less, to hog all its privileges for themselves! Could you imagine the miracles we could do with that machine?"

     "I can imagine the horrors and evils it could do in the wrong hands." David countered, "Power corrupts, so what makes you think someone who has no respect for the rule of law would do anything beneficial with it for the rest of mankind?"

     "You dare deny us the chance to use this?" Ferguson roared at him.

     "It's not mine to deny," David retorted.

     "Are you referring to your brother?" Ferguson asked.

     "I'm referring to the device itself." David informed the old man, "The Portal itself selects who can and cannot travel."

     "You're lying," Ferguson said, "I want to see the machine. Let me into the house so I can see it for myself!"

     "It's not in the house." David corrected him, "It's behind me, in the cave."

     "Why is it in the cave?" Ferguson asked.

     "It's been there since the very beginning," David informed him. "Tell your men to stand down and I'll show it to you."

     "You're serious, aren't you?" Ferguson said, "How will you convince me that you're telling the truth."

     "The proof you need is in there." David assured him, "But I will only allow you to see it. Everyone else has to stay out."

     The old man turned to the armored trooper beside him, "Fall back."

     "Sir," the trooper replied, "Are you sure you can trust him?"

     "This is the first time he's ever been honest with me," Ferguson answered, "He's going to show me the machine. I want to see it."

     David reached out his hand, "Then come with me, Ferguson."

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