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I'm back my beautiful people

Okay before I start giving you guys another story I want to apologize my phone was acting stupid so I'm now using my old one since I can't buy another so also this phone is terrible so it's gonna be difficult updating but a good thing is I got to catch up on the manga and rewatch the series so now I finally have a clear direction of where I want the story to go so let's get into it

I've been making a lot of spelling errors so please tell me if you see anything wrong

There was nothing but silence after the argument Elaine was crying in bans arms and Justin was asleep on strangers back while Jericho was pulling mrs.presdon along they where almost with the others at the camp they could see Diane and Elizabeth playing with the kids outside

"They're back with Justin and some old lady"

"Give Justin to me ill bring him to his room"

"Okay but he's been really quite so check on him when you can"

"Of course he's been quite he's been asleep all day"

"He only fell asleep when we started fighting"

BanShrugged it off and left to find Meliodas without looking back at Jericho or Elaine he was really in his head and needed to talk about it with his best friend

"Don't run now ban we still need to talk all of us because for some reason your not listening to me"

"Oh shut up jheriaci I'm busy"

"Please wait. Ban I need to speak to you"

Elaine walks out of the bushes gently and quiet

"Just follow him he won't disappoint his delicate little princess"

She says in a mocking tone as she scoffs and stares directly into her eyes not showing any type of emotion usually she would never be this mean to Elaine but now she can't control it

Everyone stared at Jericho as Elaine ran after ban nervously

"What was that Jericho"
Merlin said in a cool but concerned tone

Diane approaches the group slowly after putting Justin to sleep  she doesn't look happy at at all

"Yeah Jericho you've been acting strange towards Elaine and ban lately and I-"

"I don't want to talk right now"

"Jericho we all know your feelings we understand what your going. Through but you can't be cruel-"

"Do you really understand Diane I'm sorry to be this aggressive but how can you sit there and say you understand how it feels to love someone anyone who can't or won't love you back who's found the perfect little lover to cling to so he can forget all his or maybe even her pain if you were me would you be selfish and destroy their love and happiness or stomach the pain of feeling hopeless each time you see them hold each other kiss each other or even just stare into each other's eyes I know I said I could be strong and not put myself through this to find happiness I even made promises to myself i don't think I can keep it's killing me"

Jericho falls to her knees on the hard dusty road and holds her heart as stranger and Merlin try to comfort her by holding her Merlin hugs her close as she cried into her chest and stranger rested his head on her shoulder while patting her back Diane became a little upset thinking they were babying her too much and not telling her what she needed to hear

"I know you weren't around back When I used to be in love with the captain he was my savior Conrad and friend I gave him all of my hopeless love my little crush thinking one day he'd love me back I invested everything into impressing him with my skills strength and looks and I thought we were getting closer but then elizebeth came along and i was forced to realize his heart belonged to her and that I wasn't meant to be with him he told me that he would always look after me as a dear friend and that he loved me like a sister and that's all I needed to move on and be my own source of happiness again I even came to love elizebeth as a sister so why not try that with ban and Elaine"

"I don't think I can just hide my feelings until they go away can't you see I've tried that why isn't anyone listing I'm so tired of pleasing other and letting my feelings rot inside my mind"

"Jericho please just listen and calm down you're acting a little crazy"

"no I'm done I love your speech and all of it's motivating words but I've heard it before and I'm tired of living my life on repeat so let me get it all out
I fell in love with a narcissistic bastard who only looks at one other person in the world miss perfect herself and the worst apart about it is I fell in love with him because he helped me become a "woman" like whatever that means he told me to be strong and not to change myself to conquer my own version of femininity which I probably could've read on a poster and leave it at that but know he had to go beyond that and took care of me when I needed him but never gave a single shit about how I might actually feel about him or the situation maybe i hate myself for falling for that bullshit"

Stranger sat in silence as the scene played out he was analyzing it thoroughly Diane and Jericho where shouting about how to deal with broken hearts and king was standing in a corner trying to calm down Diane

"Shut it up you two
you guys need to act more mature about this Diane you can't argue with a damaged brick wall especially when your protecting the Boulder who broke its after all"

" I'm not prktecting them"

"And Jericho you're releasing built up anger in random directions where's your target"

"So you think I'm damaged"

"Jericho i didnt mean that and you know it if you could just listen to me"

"Hell yeah I'm damaged matter of fact I'm demolished and it's not because of one idiot Boulder and his toy hammer but multiple little nails nipping at me slowly over time"

"What are we even talking about anymore
I'm so confused what's going on with demolished buildings  and what does it have to do with the crazy lunatic lady we arrested just a few hours ago I thought that's why were here"

Jericho chuckles a bit and shoves past stranger and a silence grew so heavily one again as she walked toward the orphanage

"I'll follow her"

"I know you want to help but let me talk first we need to get over these problems inside the team because we are about to enter  a war and I need everyone focused on it"

"Okay but I will speak to her"

ok guys I have a new idea for a book but don't  worry I won't start it until I'm done with this one and it's my own story so I'll give you updates on the process

Take care-a letter from Jericho {Ban x jericho}Where stories live. Discover now