Chapter 11 let's fight

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This song has nothing but an uplifting poem that has a strong message might have cussing can't remember
When Jericho finally enters the woods with stranger she calms down and relaxes the feelings of sadness and hurt are overcome with deep aggression and anger as she continues walking

"I'm so done with being the bigger person that time has passed all he does is criticize me and I did nothing wrong I left him alone like he wanted but I'm the bad guy he's such an asshole"
In Jericho's mind
Why would ban do this I gave him everything and more I left his precious Elaine alone and I tried my hardest not to ruin our relationship

"I would tell you to let it go but don't focus all that negative energy to me"

"Why would I do that I like you"

Jericho blushes as he smiles at her she couldn't help but turn away but felt his arms around her waist when he quickly spun her back around Jericho is stunned at how close they are her face is literally buried in his chest

"I didn't mean it like that I'm so sorry I'm so embarrassed"

"I know what you meant and don't regret your words either way it made me feel good"
In stranger's mind
She's so beautiful it's absolutely amazing how a girl like her is nervous around me

"How am I supposed to hate you I can't so I can't hurt you"

" I know that but it's just basic training pretend I'm one of the girls you play fight with I don't want you to get hurt fighting with the big boys"

Jericho pushes him away and forces him into a ice coffin the woods suddenly became so cold and they were surrounded by blue and purple ice

Jericho pushes him away and forces him into a ice coffin the woods suddenly became so cold and they were surrounded by blue and purple ice

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"None of my friends are little girls and secondly you could never fight a strong woman like me don't underestimate my power"

"Well this is interesting looks like you are a little strong huh guess I have to put in some effort"

"Shut up and just fight me already"

"Okay sweaty you look cute when your mad"

The fight was short because it was Cut off by Merlin jumping off a tree with a clock

"Times up kids time to really go play and stranger I know you're helping Jericho but I can assure you I'm not some girl and neither is she were women"

"I know that just needed her to put her guard up a little and give her a push"

"We both knew that stranger but I just felt like hitting you for saying it"

They all laughed as stranger threw Jericho on his shoulders and Merlin flew above them but Jericho laughed a little more feeling embarrassed when she realized Merlin watched her and stranger the whole time as the three of them approached the fighting ring the tension was so high for just a game

" isn't that cute you're back I see your done crying like a little girl"
In ban's mind
Why is she with him so much I can't believe she actually likes this prick how could the same girl that liked me likes someone like him

"I guess it helps your self esteem to pick on a female right ok well Jericho I just want you to know he wasn't being sarcastic or tryna motivate you he's just ridiculing you"

" ok you can shut your mouth now pretty boy I have no time for random people"

"I find it strange you think I'm pretty but thanks for the compliment I guess that's why Jericho likes me"

"Shut up stranger don't say that"

"I find it cute that you're embarrassed"

"Well captain isn't that cute you know this is why we can't invite everyone we meet to join us they're to soft"

" so now I'm just and ordinary person cuz you don't like me"

"you're right I don't like you"

"Why you're the one who introduced me to your friends you allowed me to join you told me you cared for me and yet a week later you hate me "

"That's enough I'm bored of this conversation"

"WhY WOnT yOU anSweR thE QUEstiOn"

Stranger's voice went from deep and Raspy voice to a high pitch mocking voice that surely got a reaction out of ban but this encounter was cut short when Esconor's voice told them the match will begin

Take care-a letter from Jericho {Ban x jericho}Where stories live. Discover now