Chapter 5 keep the hope

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This time they are almost finished with the cave but the mirrors has been intrigued because this question that Jericho has asked has always been asked but never so blatantly

"You my dear have a Beautiful spirit your soul is as strong as your mind and that will take you places but the people you choose to love and protect will always be the source of your happiness this lesson can simply be put as the things you live for are the things you die for"

Jericho's mind was flooded with visions and memories pain heartbreak love lust sadness but mostly hope a yearning for love and adventure when she opened her eyes tears filled her eyelids as they dropped down her soft cheeks she smiled because she felt happy

"Thank you I don't know what kind of spirit you are but you helped set my path and I'll use this to my advantage"

The mirror slowly disintegrate but you hear it's finally soft and quiet voice tell everyone to leave

On there way out the cave ban carries Elaine away without looking at the others not even a bit of remorse for Jericho he holds his head high and tells himself he did what was right

"(Whispers) Diane do you understand what just happened we didn't even get what we needed for King Arthur"

" I keep forgetting you're new sorry if you didn't notice but Merlin already took the item it was the mirror she used a spell to capture its magic before she destroyed it"

"She killed the mirror wasn't it some super good special item"

"It was actually a young goddess who was cursed for her disobedience against the goddess clan she was tortured here her soul trapped in the mirror as she judged others silently punishing them the same way she was tortured Merlin put her out her misery"

Diane"It was actually a young goddess who was cursed for her disobedience  against the goddess clan she was tortured here her soul trapped in the mirror as she judged others silently punishing them the same way she was tortured Merlin put her out ...

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"Enough let's not talk about that depressing story let's be happy Jericho is alive and she is opening her powers"

"Yeah that's great but did you see ban he lied to us about Jericho and acted like it didn't happen"

Before king was able to finish Meliodas swipes the pillow from under him and he tumbles to the floor

"I said no more sad talk let's get home and drink some Beer"

Merlin scoffs as she throws Jericho broken glass to Jericho from the remains of the mirror

As they all enter the boar hat Jericho slips into ban's room searching for a small purple ribbon and ends up outside the window staring at the stars with the ribbon in hand

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As they all enter the boar hat Jericho slips into ban's room searching for a small purple ribbon and ends up outside the window staring at the stars with the ribbon in hand

She hears ban lay Elaine on the bed she turns to look inside the window and sees ban staring at sleeping Elaine cradling her close to his bare chest Jericho shivers from the chills of the wind and her heavy heart she raps the ribbon around her leg and turns to the sky once more

"I've had enough I've found my purple ribbon the one my mother gave me the one that smells like lavender and sweet perfume just like her mother the one ban found and gave to me after he saved me from a demon and carrying her body away"

The window slides open and right before Jericho jumped to the ground arms rapped around her this warm embrace some how freezes her but she struggles and causes them to fall through the air as the body turns to embrace the impact

"What are you suicidal now JaliAiko!?"

"I wasn't gonna die I'm not stupid I knew how to land"

"So you planned your get away after spying on me"

"This has nothing to do with you I just came because I left something here"

"So where is it don't just make stuff up if you want to see me I don't mind"

Jericho blushes when ticks on her skirt when she remembers she tied it to her upper thigh

"Good night ban"

Ban watches as she chases the boar hat until she catches up to the door but noticed when she jumped a glimpse of a purple ribbon can be seen he sighed he was a little disappointed she didn't come to see him

Take care-a letter from Jericho {Ban x jericho}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt