Chapter 18

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Stranger walked Jericho out the building as the others continued to wrap up the situation he was a little worried because she been really quiet but before she was more like a leader for the investigation he was wondering if she was bothered by the old ladies words

"Jericho can we talk for a minute I think you should relax a bit"

stranger said rubbing Jericho's back as they walked further from the Knights building he realized they where almost done packing so he wanted some alone time

"Sure but I don't know what you wanna talk about"she said looking at the sky holding her stomach

"When we where talking about the mirror and amulet I think I said something that made you uncomfortable"

"Yeah I was just caught in your words and let them get to me"Jericho said tensing up

"Please don't push me out if you have a problem with what is said tell me you have a voice use it"

"It's just I don't understand what made you say asking about your happiness is stupid"

"Why would you ask a stupid question like that it defeats the whole purpose of life it's like big ole spoiler"

"Well I wouldn't mind a spoiler like that all I wanted to know was if I should live my life selfishly of for others"

"No matter what live your life for you forget about everyone else but never be someone else's burden"

"Why are you speaking like a wise man"Jericho said laughing

"Being a bandit has put me in a lot of situations to where I asked the same questions and I hated myself I gave up on everything and almost cost my life and my moms life"

"You never really talk about yourself stranger and you always play around and make jokes I never really thought you experienced pain like that"

"If you tell me about your past I'll tell you about mine"

Skip this part if you want it's just a recap of Jericho's life
"Thats fair so here goes nothing
Basically my family didn't think I was strong enough to be anything but what a woman's supposed to be and that women belonged at home so they looked down on me even though for not having powers and being weak they claimed they loved loved me though
I ended up following my brother and becoming a holy knight to prove everyone wrong and shortly after I gained respect until I met ban he embarrassed me in front of my fellow knights and at the time I thought he was evil so I did everything I could to destroy him but that backfired and he saw through my disguise of hate we became closer he saved my life twice and I saved his and his girlfriends but I still I felt like I owed him for helping me become a stronger woman I followed him around and began having feelings for him but he never looked my way so I hid my emotions and when I returned home with ban and his girlfriend Elaine my brother was fighting a demon and died in battle after I learned of his death I went into a deep depression when I discovered why my brother never wanted me to become a holy night he was always protective he never looked down on me and so he passed his powers too me later ban and Diane recruited me to become apart of their journey and I excepted the invitation since then Merlin has been helping me control my power and me and ban have been keeping our distance from each other since he left me in a cave to die with leaving with Elaine in his arms I always knew he would choose her over me but he didn't even think twice"Jericho tried to explain but choked up a couple of times

"Well that's a lot I'm sorry you ever had to feel that pain but that's another curse of life we all go though the worst"he said becoming silent

"Don't get quiet yet you still haven't told me about your past"Jericho laughed while hitting band shoulder and stopped crying

"It's really not much of a sad story more like a life of lessons
I became an official bandit when I was twelve because my father let me join his gang he would teach me lessons by beating me or putting me I fight cages he would have my mom teach me about strategy and architecture while he taught me to b strong and agile by then I was fighting men twice my size
one day my dad left with the other bandits and told me to stay home and I did he never came back since then I took care of my mom by being a petty thieve I gathered a group of other kids living hard too and I trained them like my father trained me we started simple by stealing from the cranky rich neighbors then the old antique stores but was one day hired to still from a military camp by and old man and we succeeded after that we began getting more high paying jobs me and my best friend Bought a big house for my mother and his sister too keep them safe while we where stealing it was all perfect then but when I was around 17 I met a girl named lacy she was sweet but also a bandit and a trailer from another country she joined my crew and she was my right hand besides my best friend we dated for a bit going off and on until she ratted the whole crew out getting half of my friends killed including my best friend and the rest of us locked up when I got out of jail I was going to kill her only to find out she was already dead and buried I became very cold hearted turning my back to everyone including my mom I became reckless but that never stopped me and I rebuilt my crew starting an empire we became well known and people called me the bandit king I maid the selfish decisions of falling for a rotten woman's and giving her everything I lived for her until She tried to kill me and my mom because of a bounty on our heads I left that life alone just for a minute to relax and have fun I sent my mom off across seas with a buttload of money and I ended up finding you"he said all this looking directly into my eyes like he was ready my soul

"I'm so glad I met you stranger even though you've been through so much I think it was meant to be like this"

"That's what I mean were living life like we are supposed to no matter what choice we make it's always the right one"

"Okay so what now"

"I'll give you a piggy back ride if you give me a kiss"

Stranger started tugging at her legs and hips making her laugh uncontrollably and falling backwards

"Stop messing around stranger let's just go back"

Before she knew it she was lifted off the ground by stranger and brought into a passionate kiss she felt as if she loved him but she didn't even know what love was

"Don't blush darling if you blush I might blush"
Jericho said smiling down at Jerichos hidden face

"Why would you do that you big dummy" Jericho kicked stranger in his leg and started walking only to be met with ban Elaine and Justin starring right at her

"Awww it's okay sweetheart looks like it's time to head back anyway"stranger said wrapping his arm around Jericho as everyone stood there starring

There was a long silence until Justin started laughing and fake throwing up about the kiss

"Jericho can I talk to you for a minute"

"No I think she's fine ban look she has stranger to comfort her"

"Can you just be quiet Elaine damn"

"I'm sorry ban I didn't mean to upset you"

"It's fine just take just and the old hag and walk ahead we'll be there"

"Sure honey"

"I guess you want me too leave too"

"Yeah follow them make sure there okay"

"Fine but hurry up we need to talk a little more also"

"About what"

"Our relationship" stranger hugged Jericho and chased after the others

"Why are you so close with him Jericho you just met him"

Take care-a letter from Jericho {Ban x jericho}Where stories live. Discover now