Chapter 17 Curses

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The group set off into the city to find mrs.presdon but they couldn't make up there minds on how to find her

"I think me and stranger should go into the city maybe with Justin and ask around and Elaine and ban should search the woods for anymore clues about the magic tree men"

"That's a perfect plan we should just do that"

"Or we all Could Just search the city together because we already know enough about the tree men"

"I think we should listen to Jericho's plan"

"Why it makes no sense she just wants to get rid of us"

"Honestly ban you're right"

"That's just cold"

Stranger and Justin burst out into laughter as everyone's eyes in the streets focused on them Jericho became shy and nervous as ban's face was unreadable she knew he wouldn't back down and she could tell Elaine was uncomfortable

"Okay fine let's just find this city's knights base and get the documents we need and her residence "

"Whatever Jeleako lets just go"

As they arrived at the knights base they met with a little confrontation from one of the knights

"Open the door or I break it off into your ass"

"Okay whatever buddy"

"He'll do it he's apart of the seven deadly sins"

"Step back kid or well have to arrest you"

"Come on I really don't want to wait any longer and if we talk to the king you all will be punished"

"I'm sorry but we can't there's already been a break in and all of the knights are working twice as hard trying to figure out how the orphans where killed and calm down the citizens they are scared"

"Wait do you know who broke in or how"

"We don't know but when we got here are bottom chamber where we keep the documentation of the city and other things was ransacked and they left leaves and broken branches everywhere"

"Are you guys dumb it was obviously the tree men"

"Keep your voice down we where ordered to keep the tree men a secret from the citizens"

"Just let us in just think of it as we can't make the situation but most likely make it better"

"I'm sorry I can't not without clear orders"

"Enough of this I'll break the door down myself"

And ban took the door of the hinges and broke it making a joke about sticking the door up his butt and stranger and Justin laughed a lot more while Elaine looked scared I think she thought he was actually gonna do it

As they walked in they a gruesome mess all the solders body where hanging from the ceiling pillars and a small old woman was surrounded by tree man banging on the wall seemingly looking for something

"Well that's just great since we spent forever trying to convince the guard to let us in the knights where apparently getting taken out by trees and an old hag"

"Maybe the knight was just a distraction and you two dumb asses just sat there and fell for it"

"Shut up ban let's just find out what's happening"

Take care-a letter from Jericho {Ban x jericho}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant