Slow changes

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Before this chapter starts I would like to say that I'm not going to talk about the most recent events in American history as it's a very hard thing to talk about. Instead it will be a different timeline where no racism exists in America right now. 

Slowly things were changing in the American household. The kids saw more and more of Russia and they could see the way he looked at their father and to say the were happy about it is less then true. I mean they wanted their dad to be happy of course but, Russia was acting differently then from when they first met him. This change in his attitude was worrying but it'll be ok... right? 

America's POV 

I had a dream about Confederate last night and it was from when we where happy together. I don't know what to think anymore. On one hand I hate him for what he did to my family, but a country acts off of the will of its people right? Therefore he might have not meant to hurt us... right? 

I'm thinking foolishly right now. Besides I'm dating Russia now and we are very happy with our relationship! Even if he does act cold to the kids I'm sure he doesn't mean it... right?

Confederates POV 

 I feel strange. So many things are different in the future. Everyone has more opportunities then one I was alive. That time was heavily influenced by racism though so, I'll have to get used to the future and then I can make America mine all will go according to plan... right?

Russia's POV 

I know I've been cold to my lovers children lately but, I was raised by USSR what did they expect?  America still loves me though so it's ok. I'll make sure no one will have my America except me and all will be good ... right? 

Texas's POV 

 Pa seems stressed lately. I don't know why. I will find out and help him though! I think it's something to do with Russia or Da- I mean Confederate. I hope everything is ok. If its not then I'll help make things better and we'll all be happy... right?


Thank you all for reading this! I'm extremely grateful to all of you. I have ran into a few difficulties along the way and want to thank you all. I will be putting a poll in my Google classroom(link in previous chapter)  to get somethings straightened out. If you don't want to join the google classroom but, still want to be counted then please talk to me through the chat. Thank you!

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