"Look tell me what's wrong...... I'm your friend am I not?.......... Please put the sword down and tell me what's wrong?"
"(Y/N)! We can't ju-"
"NOT ANOTHER WORD DELISA!" (Y/N) shout as he glared at Delisa before putting his hand on the unsharp part of Akame's blade slowly moving it down as he didn't lose eye contact with her.
"(Y/N)...... I'm sorry.... But I-I-I Can't do this anymore!...."
"Can't do what?"
"I can't continue killing for the Empire you must have seen it too! The lies they share, the innocents they killed the innocents WE'RE force to kill! I-I can't keep doing this...... I have to make a change and I can't let you guys stop me." With tears in her eyes she moves the blade towards (Y/N)'s neck as a warning to back off as he simply smiled at her."
"Your right......"
"(Y/N) what're saying?"
"Your agreeing with the traitor?!" Delisa and Farrow grabbed their weapons as they had killing intent towards their team leader and Akame feeling this (Y/N) quickly grabbed two of his throwing knifes and with inhuman like precision ended his teammates lives as his blades penetrated their necks killing them instantly."
"Forgive me you two........."
"(Y/N) I....." Akame looks at her friend shocked as he was close to the ones he killed noticing a tear drop from his eye.
"It's fine....... Look I agree that you should change the Empire and I want to help you howev-"
"Then come with me you heard about the revolutionary army come with me and we can find them and join their cause."
"Akame I can do more good here...... But it doesn't mean I won't help you....... Did you know I'm due for a promotion to general pretty soon? When you join the Army come and find me I'll be at this Church here where we should meet every night until the moon passes its peak."
"(Y/N)..... Are you sure about this what if you get caught and what about your team?"
"What do you mean I was in pursuit of your when these two prevented me from achieving my objective as they aided in your escape..... Look stick to the Forrest and follow the river it has the best blind spots the Empire would never look thanks to the danger beast...." (Y/N) replied putting his mask back on as he grabbed Delisa's arrow and Farrow's sword ready to stage the crime scene.
"(Y/N)....... Thank you..... I-"
"Just promise me to...... Stay alive and continue to cherish those close to you." As (Y/N) looked at her she gives him a hug surprising him as he returns the hug.
"I promise...... I will be back....." Akame said with tears in her eyes as she left the Church and disappeared into the Forrest.
"I know you will....... Now....... This is gonna hurt......" Cutting himself with Farrow's Sword and sticking Delisa's arrow into his flesh he winches at the incredible pain he gave himself all the while breaking some of the left behind furniture in the Church moving the bodies to make it look as if it was one he'll of a fight.
"Did we check in here?" (Y/N) sat himself in the same spot he saw Akame in earlier as using his blade to cut his cheek as the soliders led by Grand General Budo found him in a "weakened" state.
"(Y/N)?!........ Did that traitor do all this."
"No...... Delisa and Farrow....... Aided..... In her escape...... I had her in my grasp only for these two traitors to stop me nearing killing me with a surprise attack......... I've failed the Empire....." Heavily breathing to fool the general he looks up to see Budo smile on his as he gestures for a solider to get first aid.
"Well its evident that you are telling the truth commander...... You did your best especially since your team has betrayed you like that....... Get some rest you did well."
"T-thank you s-sir...... It helps being a good liar." (Y/N) drifts to sleep as the soliders began to treat his wounds.
1 year later.
"General (Y/N) its nice to see you again." Budo said as (Y/N) took his helmet off to shake the man's hand.
"It's good to see you."
"I've heard your diplomacy skills worked great with the resistance to the West how did you do it?"
"I simply came to a compromise with them to prevent blood shed...... With some help of agents sabotaging their reserves which they were already short of."
"Huh I believe Esdeath will be quite angry to hear as your mission only took a month."
"That's a tad bit unfair as she's dealing with another Nation's army. Actually it woild be three months now correct?"
"Indeed anyways I'm glad your here I need your insight as always I need someone to take control of the Capital's security and with your army help secure it."
"Yes I've heard of the group called Night Raid. Have they been that much trouble?"
"Unfortunately they have as the kther officers prove to be to naive to stop other Assassins. As someone who was an Assassin themself I believe you could help compromise a strategy to stop their killing spree."
"From what I know they've been targeting corrupt officials...."
"Corrupt........ Sadly I have no say but they still are assets to us...... Will you help."
"Of course..... After all Akame joined them." Taking a wanted poster of Akame out of his pocket he looks at with a frown as Budo touches his shoulder.
"My young friend you'll have the pleasure to kill her yourself when that time comes."
"I look forward to it. Well general I must get going I have a long day tomorrow and I must run an errand before I retire to the night."
"Of course (Y/N) I know where your office and residence are I shall contact you if we need anything." (Y/N) shakes the Grand general's hand before putting his helmet back on as he leaves the Castle halls and makes way to a spot he knows all to well.
"Delisa, Farrow..... I'm sorry but you both left me no choice." Giving a small prayer he walks into the Church staring at the Moon enjoying the beautiful night sky.
"Its nice to see you again (Y/N)....." Hearing his name he looks behind him to see a set of familiar Crimson eyes for which he take off his helmet giving the girl a smile.
"Hey Akame."
"Oh is this the spy you and the boss told us about wow he'- ow ok I'll stop." A blonde woman said earning a chop from Akame.
"You on a mission?"
"Yes.... I came for your information before we kill this family that take tortures and kills foreigners.... I wish we had more-"
"Its the job but here." Taking an envelope out of his back armor compartment as he hands it to his friend.
"Thank you."
"It's not a problem..... Oh by the way I've been tasked in helping the guards prepare for you guys be sure to keep extra low profile...... And learn to hide the bodies." You joke earning a smile from the two girls.
"Thanks for the head up Mr.Spy!"
"Thanks (Y/N)....." Akame gave you a hug before she and her companion left.
"Business as usual."

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