Victoria is Glow!

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"I was thinking Wong Chinese restaurant tonight " Chris whispered into Victorias ear. Some people in elevator give us looks.

Yeah people know about us.

"Sounds good, meet you there" She pushed him out of the elevator just as the door closes on first floor.

Victoria changes inside women's restroom and wearing such a cute outfit.

Silk black dress by Victoria Secret and fake mink coat with the usual high heels. I feel so nervous. I'm actually going to tell him. walked across the street into the restaurant and we managed to get our seats.

He ordered her favorite wine .
"You look beautiful as always" he complemented her outfit.

"Thanks, and I wanted to tell you something.." she began to say.

"What may I serve you tonight" waiter interrupted what she was about to say to Chris.

Well might as well order our food.
"Stir Fry steak" Chris stated as waiter jotted down notes. He always orders that at Chinese restaurants .

"Sushi and some Shrimp Scampi" she told the waiter and walked away.

Chris smiled at Victoria and picked up his glass saying " To us ". She clinged glass against his and took sip of wine.

This is the time to tell him, just couldn't wait to tell him her secret.

"I must tell you something I've been wanting to share but just haven't because I was afraid to tell you . I love you so much and I believe I can trust you ..." she tries to speak right before suddenly hearing sirens from across Starlight City.

"What is it" Chris wondered why she stopped talking about something apparently important.

What excuse can I make now?

"I have to go to the bathroom be right back" Victoria stood up, Chris grew impatient "why do you always do this? I know you're probably going off somewheres else!!!"

She knew he didn't believe her .

"I promise I will tell you everything once I come back " Victoria said heading by the restroom doors.

Chris just shook his head.

I hated lying to him but tonight the truth must come out .

Victoria changed into her suit quickly and flew off without anyone noticing .

Chris waited for his girlfriend at the table. He wanted to be mad at her but at the same time he waited for this dinner.

He had been carrying something in his pocket for a while now and couldn't wait any longer. Tonight he would ask her to marry her after dinner .

Chris wanted nothing else to be with her, he loved her even if she's a little insane and demands a lot out of a story.

Since their first kiss he felt she is the one and for past couple of weeks he prepared.

The ring is beautiful . dazzles when light hits off the rings crystal.
And rose gold band around it.
Victoria mentioned when they were becoming friends that she loved this exact ring .

Suddenly she appeared to be walking back to the table, their food really hot.

He quickly put the box back into his coat pocket.

They sipped wine and ate Chinese food. He placed his hand on hers.

"There's some things you don't know about me. and I've been letting myself think you don't need to know. When we were friends I wanted to tell you but then you love someone else which it was hard because I liked you. Then things changed and you actually like me back and that seemed harder. " she continues just as the waiter picks up empty plates and the check.

Chris leans in and kisses Victoria and says " lets go outside and walk"

"Ok" yet I'm interrupted again.

It's quiet chilly outside and they walk down the empty street.
It's about past ten and the city lights are gone now .

He holds Victoria hand .

"I been wanting to tell you something to" Chris told her but she needed to just say something " Chris once I tell you this everything will change . Just know that I love you"

He turned towards her.

"You know how I always leave and disappear when we talk . its cause I live another life. My family has kept this secret from the world to protect the world . you've been trying to find out who Glow is and I just couldn't tell you" Victoria explained to him .

He just stared at her.

"I'm Glow. I have superpowers and I have been gone because each time I have to save someone in need. My father is Superman so super strength and heat vision is in our family" She couldn't look at him.

Chris looked mad "you could be lying'

Well guess I'm going to prove it to him.

Victoria took a step back and twirled into her Superhero suit right in front of him which his jaw dropped to the ground.

"So you have been lying to me this whole time???!!" he felt betrayed.

She quickly turned back to normal.

"I was alone for my whole life. only two friends from high school knew . if people would know lots of bad people would use it on people I love. ... When I arrived here it was great being friends with you but then you fell for her so I couldn't tell you" She continued.

"But you lied to me for a year. " he said and pushed her away.

He couldn't even look at her in the face. She tried to hold his hand but he pushed her away again.

"I love you" She started to tear up.

"I can't do this , I can't be with someone who lies to me. " he said.

Victoria started to cry and said "Chris what do you mean?"

"I am breaking up with you" one tear fell from his eyes and he walked away.

Her heart broken in pieces and she started crying . She lost the only guy she cared about and told him the secret. It felt like the world just stopped in time and she couldn't go on!

The Adventures of GlowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ