Blabber Mouths

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Victoria's friends Maya and Britney were going to visit and party this weekend and she needed to set up the extra sleep areas of the apartment.

The sleep sofa in the living room had new sheets and several fluffy pillows.
It pointed directly at the television which might not be fair for the other bed.

She managed to set up water bed on the other side of the living room. It felt cool to the touch and threw couple of blankets on top.

Then the doorbell rings.

Maya and Britney bear hug her before entering with overnight bags and stuff.
Maya slams her stuff onto the sofa bed right across from the tv and remote.

"Oh come on" Britney said looking at the water bed wishing she had the sofa, always the last choice .

Victoria ordered in Pizza and looked up movies to watch, maybe Clueless.

"I can't wait to see where you work" Maya said with such excitement.

Victoria would work Friday until about 2pm so of course they wanted see where she works.

"Remember you guys can only visit a little while, my boss always needs me" She told them with a very serious face and ate another piece of cheesy pizza.

"Don't worry we probably be busy shopping all day for accessories for our lit weekend" Britney said very seriously .

Lets just hope her friends would be calm and cool at her workplace !

The next day Victoria and her friends took a cab to Sparks Newspaper Company.

The elevator seemed to be empty so the girls went inside and waited until reaching the 30th floor.

The doors opened.

"So where's your desk" Britney asked.

Victoria pointed to the desk sitting right outside the bosses very lavish office. Penelope wasn't in right now, rather alone at the spa appointment, which she does every single Friday.

Then Chris walked by "hey Victoria" for just one second and her friends gave her the look again.

"Oh my gosh Victoria he is hot!" Maya looking back before Chris left into the elevator.

"Guys stop! seriously!" Victoria said before her friend talked more and more about how hot he is and that she should be with him.

"Look my boss is going to be here in about five minutes so you two should leave, she isn't too happy about people disturbing work. We can meet up at lunch. I will text you two" Victoria sat at her desk about to start the day.

"Ok, we will see you later" Maya said before the three of them hugged and left the building.

Clark shortly thereafter returned to his desk and looked over Her way "who were those girls?" he wondered.

"Those are my friends , they are spending the weekend with me" Victoria said though stopped talking after their boss walked out the elevator doors and into the office.

She followed right behind her.
"I need you to pick up my Sequin Jacket at the tailors, I have an interview around 3 with Oprah"

Chris and Victoria jaws dropped as soon as the word Oprah came up. How in the hell did she make that happen?!

Oprah is a legend and inspiration to thousands of people plus exclusive person which very hard to get an interview.

"Chris you will be editor for the article on the interview, so don't leave the office" she instructed him.

It might be another step down for him but who has the chance to edit the paper of newspaper written by Their boss interviewing Oprah on her new health book and Healthy lifestyle ?!

Victoria ran through Starlight City to find the tailor store. The only bad part is it might be across town about 30 minutes in a taxi.

Then Victoria phone buzzed, a phone message from Chris .

"Hey Victoria I just wanted to let you know that your friends mentioned something about how I look to you ... It's flattering. I think your a great person too. you have some really nice friends. We should talk later" he said.

Victoria wanted to die! Of course her friends blabbed to him. What did they say? She wanted to kill them.!!!

Victoria picked up the jacket and handed to Penelope just as lunch break began .

Texted her friends to meet at Chicken Waves for lunch. Of course they had bags and bags of outfits from clothing stores.

"What the hell did you tell Chris?" She wanted a straight answer and still mad as hell at both of them for telling him.

"We saw him today when we got out of a store and well..... we told him you think he is cute" Maya began to say before Victoria let her have it.

"Great now he knows. It is going to be really awkward and now I'm going to have to lie. You guys promised to keep how I felt about him a secret" She yelled at them.

Britney felt really bad about the whole thing but Maya still thinks She should tell him how she feels.

Victoria likes that she is friends with Chris and nothing is going to change that, besides he like Glow the superhero not Her .

She returned back to work and of course there was Chris waiting outside Penelope's door.
Apparently the meeting happened as they speak in her office. The shades were put down and no one could see Oprah and the door locked inside.

Chris smiled at her as she walked by and sat in her desk.

"We can talk Monday" is all he said before going get some more coffee.

She tried to focus on the work pile even if he might be looking at her.
He just kept looking, she wished this might be all a dream but No! Her friends told him and now there friendship would become awkward.

Then their bosses door opened and Oprah walked out. she couldn't believe Oprah is standing right there. She is like royalty everyone loves her. Chris wanted to die in his seat.

Penelope shook Oprah's hand before she walked to the elevator with her two bodyguards.

"I will have the paper done in 30 minutes" Penelope told Chris.

"Victoria, please get this order quickly" she handed her another list of deliveries, which meant another set of broken heels.

And She did break her heels in another manhole. That's the third one this week.

"What happened to your shoe" Chris asked looking at her limping like an old person.

"Don't even ask" She told him before setting her bosses of crap and junk!

When her friends finally came around 2 o'clock, the broken heel didn't matter, now it was time to party.

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