The Crab and Penguin

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Victoria headed to work early in the morning because of one thing: The Ball. Yep the ball but why you ask what that has to do with waking up early for work?

Every year Penelope picks some reporter to join with her to the annual ball, it's a reporters dream meeting politicians, business tycoons, and other celebrities. Last year someone got to meet The Queen of England, the one Superman protected long ago when she was just a princess.

Victoria hoped she would picked this year to go to the ball, though she's only reporter some of the time but its something right.

But there's a terrible ketch to going by sucking up to their boss and making her like you.

Chris is already on it by handing in today's story and possibly gives her favorite Starbucks coffee.

All Victoria can do is try to type as fast as her fingers move on the keyboard and print from copier and gives it to Penelope. Their boss loved this whole thing, a little evil if you ask me?!

Victoria had to stop for a second as she heard sirens from across the Bridge, apparently Penguin is at his own skims again. She waved at Taylor and rushed into the elevator doors.

Glow made it to the coast where Penguin is stealing expensive jewels from the European Market. He smiles as he sees her.

"What do you think you are doing" Glow looks straight at him.

"Lets just say I really like shiny things" He said putting his bag away and smoking more of that stupid cigar.

"Well looks like this isn't going to be a good day for you" Glow smirks clutching her fist. Oh the idiot.

He just smiled and said "I have reinforcements... this time I will not lose" Penguin stated.

Her phone rang. Really just when she was about to kick ass ?!

"Meet the Crab" He says and Glow feels afraid for a second.

Out of the corner there's a beast. Muscular man with claw like hands and eyes staring down into her very soul. When did he recruit this giant!

He towers over her like humongous giant.
"She is so puny this will be easy" says the Crab in a creepy voice.

Well it looks like yet another villain she must fight to stop him and protect Starlight City citizens.

Boy if only some reporter could see this. Oh wait Victoria could give the news. Penelope will be impressed and possibly ask her to go to the Ball.

Glow smirks out "Yeah I don't think so. I'm going to wipe the concrete with your stupid face. I have fought off way stronger Men than you. Your like an acorn" Ready to punch Crab face.

Crab swung his meaty fist towards Glows face and missed as he ran into the apple crates. The farmers didn't look to happy as all their produce ruin.

He stood up.
"Hey Mr. Krabbs where's your chest full of money ? At the bottom of the sea?" Glow hit him smack in the face.

Crab grew really angry. "Get her you idiot" Penguin demanded backing off and hiding like an idiot.

Crab hit Glow across the face at full force. Boy did that feel like shit.
Blood drip from the side of her cut lip. Glow stood up and dragged him across the street kicking and screaming.

He forced her off of him. They fought.
Crashed into many crates and tables.
She stood up looking at Crab, he was knocked out cold on the ground.

She tied his hands just to make sure he wouldn't escape.

Penguin was going to make another run for it but she gripped him just a little, he gave himself up.

She tied his hands behind his back and forced him to stay there. Then she felt sudden pain in the back of her head.
Crab had hit her from behind. He must have gotten out of those ropes.

Glow fell to the ground and felt imitate pain. She had to get up thought it felt like fire on her head.

In her mind, she won't admit this but Crab sure knew how to punch.

She finally stood up and clutched her fist. Side and head hurting the entire time. Glow said " I will stop you if its the last thing I do" and she punched that ugly beast across the bottom chin.

The crowd that formed cheered as she finally knocked some since into him.

"Eat my dust you piece of shit" she said in low voice.

Glow handed them over to the police in the best way those two cold criminals deserved and couldn't escape: she froze them until they would reach prison !

She returned back to work just as everyone had left for lunch. Her side still hurting and superhero suit cut underneath the clothes. Victoria sat down and typed up the story.

Chris texted wondering where she might be right now. She wasn't going to tell him. Just another excuse to distract her while he butters up to the boss. This ball is making everyone crazy.

She made sure no one is in bathroom.
Looked at herself in the mirror with cuts and her side bruised.

"Oh my gosh Victoria what happened" Taylor walks into the bathroom.

"A Crab man that's what happened" Is all She said taking wet towel and cleaning her cuts "close the door someone could see my suit"

After cleaning up, She waited for Penelope to arrive and give her the story everyone else wanted.

"I don't know how did you get this Victoria but I'm impressed and will consider this" Her boss closed the door behind her.

Chris threw his hands up in the air and Said " I give up" !

Victoria smiled .
Penelope waved at her to come inside.
Looks like she is going to the ball !

The Adventures of GlowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora