The Slaker/Athas

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Victoria favorite Coffee has come back and its not because of fall, well maybe it is and happiness is everywhere ever since she started dating Chris Calvin.

They've been dating for almost two months now .

They were both rushing to the office to make the meeting just around 7!
If they're late again, Penelope would probably get really mad and fire them.

And of course inside the elevator barely any room. People were smashed against each other and clamped up.

Chris and Victoria were smushed in between the group waiting for there floor. With each there seem to be more people coming inside.

She looked at her watch.
It's 7:28 and meetings at 7:30.

Finally it's there floor and both rush past Penelope who's getting into a conversation with someone, sit on the couch with the rest of the group.

Penelope shuts the door behind her and locks it closed. Made it in time.

Penelope wants everyone to work on important articles. as such she gives out list of working partners for the week to sort of change the paper.

Reporters and editors.

Victoria looks through the list but Chris isn't anywhere near her name.
Yet sees another name she hope isn't there but it's there alright, Poppy Stewart. Why did it have to be her ?!

Poppy Stewart is about the dumbest person in the entire building, maybe in Starlight City too.
All she's done is smacked gum for like millions of times and barely tries to get an article. Why is she even called a reporter? Seems to me she should be working as I don't know a prostitute but that's maybe because she dresses like one.

Wearing clanky jewelry and dresses wore way too short. The perfect 1960s disgusting receptionist like in those movies.

The meetings ended.

"Good luck" Chris giggles to her.

It's not funny. At least he got someone he actually gets along with. Austin Titan some editor and jock.

Then Poppy makes eye contact and walks over to Victoria.
I could just run away now.

I can smell her cheap ass fragrance all over her body. Its like someone's walked into build a bear workshop mixed with strip club.

Bright red lip stick and I can smell alcohol over her mouth. I'm guessing she's been partying all night and its not the weekend so were probably screwed.

"Lets just walk around the city. Maybe I can get my pedicure and some story" Poppy barely cared and they walked into the elevator.

And another thing she says bitch a lot for no apparent reason, sometimes The boss ignores what Poppy says.

Why did it gave to be Poppy, Victoria would rather have Skip who likes keeping bug collection or Jessica who writes the stories about upcoming funerals.

"Lets go bitch." Poppy yanks on her arm and they walk outside.

Boy I outta smack her across the face right now but can't do such thing.

Then suddenly she hears the call for help. Without thinking twice she disappears into an abandoned alley.

Glow rushes toward the burning apartments. Cars look like been thrown into the building but how is this even possible.

Glows suddenly smacked from behind and crashes into another building.

Wow well that hurt like hell.

Glow looked up to see the woman.
She floated in the air and couldn't stop herself from destroying stuff.

"You think you can stop me, well we are just getting started, this world is mine to begin with." the woman said with such manly creepy voice.

Officially she's the creepiest villain Glows faced, with black eyes in the dark sky of night, gray clouds form over her, and she wears Greek robe all black .

"You don't scare me one bit, I'm not letting you take this planet. I have promised always to protect it!!!" Glow said right before smack across the cheek.

"You will bow down to your Queen, Athas like all will do" Athas assured.

Let me just say this woman needs serious help. Athas eyes glow in anger.
Glow makes her stance against Athas, Queen of End Worlds, by using sonic booms from glowing blue hands.

Glow converts energy and hits Athas right between the eyes.

Now she's angry!

"Feel my wrath" Athas states throwing spell over the entire area. City comes alive with evil beasts. Rats sized hounds and Bugs swarm above the forming gray clouds.

Glow fights off the rats one by one.

Gosh I freakin hate big rodents.

Bugs hitting my face like leeches and I look at Athas. I stand up from the pavement and put up some fighting arms.

Glow shoots super sonic blasts into Athas many dark eyes, which cause her evil powers to diminish and spells begin to unfold. The rats change back to normal and bugs fly away.
She forces Athas against the police car.

"Your done for Athas. The world belongs to everyone." Glow says before handing her over to the officer.

Athas just snared out "You'll see me again"

Victoria totally forgot about Poppy.

She walked back to Work and decided to go upstairs to see if Poppy is there.
Sure enough on the fourth floor Poppy's sitting at her pink desk.

She dyed it that way. It makes me sick someone would dye there own area.

Poppy looked up from her desk and asked "Where in the hell were you? Do I have to do everything myself Victoria"

That's an understatement.

"Here's your story" Victoria handed Poppy an article shed written about Athas.

"I will look at it but don't get any ideas" Poppy commented.

Victoria couldn't comment because yet another person is calling Glows name .

So she headed to the elevator yet again.

About an hour later, Victoria walked back at there floor. Everyone was smiling at her and reading a newspaper. Chris smiled and gave Victoria the newspaper.

That bitch Poppy did her worst.
Victoria wanted to kill her but that wouldn't do any good.
Apparently She took Victoria article and just said it was hers.
Victorias name wasn't even on the paper, real evil. It's a good thing. Will never work with her again.

"I want to strangle her" Victoria crutches up the newspaper.

"Well unfortunately you can't. Just think someday you will be a real reporter" Chris reminded Victoria .

Yep he's right. Someday i will be a real reporter.

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