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Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much

But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up

Michael had been gone for about an hour. After he left Eleanor had gone to their bedroom to change and clean up. She stared at herself in the mirror. Another busted lip and a bruise along her cheekbone. Just as the previous bruises had faded away, new ones appeared. It was a never-ending cycle. Eleanor wiped away the tears falling down her face. How had she ended up here? She swore to herself that she wouldn't end up like her mother. Yet this was her life, constantly being berated and beaten. Why did she allow this? It all boiled down to one simple word. Fear. 

Even if she tried to leave chances were that he'd hunt her and drag her right back. If he didn't, he would ruin her. Nobody would believe her, everyone she knew would turn their backs on her because Michael was a wealthy, charming, good-guy lawyer and Eleanor was nobody. She hadn't had a chance to make a name for herself or establish a career, to be her own person. She was always just Michael's girlfriend. She guessed that's all she'd ever be. Her hope of getting out had died..

Eleanor decided to make a small meal, she wasn't that hungry. She opened the fridge and peeked around. Finally, she settled on a salad. After grabbing out all of the ingredients and a bowl from the cabinet, she tossed everything in the bowl, grabbed a fork, and headed to the living room. She turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. She didn't know what to watch, she hardly used the TV. She settled on a baking show and set the remote aside before making herself comfortable. 

Whenever Michael had dinner with his boss he was always gone for a couple of hours. Eleanor usually went with him but lately, he had been opting to leave her home. Sometimes Eleanor wondered if he was actually with his boss or if there was another woman. Then she thought to herself, who the hell cares. She'd actually prefer if he did find someone else, maybe then he'd eventually leave her and she'd be free. Though she highly doubted that scenario would ever happen, she could at least dream a little. 

Eleanor was still watching TV twenty minutes later when there was a knock on the door. Who could it be this late at night she asked herself. Her question was answered a moment later when a female voice came through the door along with another knock. "LAPD." Eleanor quickened her pace toward the door.

"Hi. Is there something wrong?" Eleanor asked as she came face to face with the officer.

"No ma'am. I'm just doing a wellness check." 

"Oh, well everything is fine here."

"Are you sure ma'am? We've received a lot of disturbance calls involving this address."

"I'm sure" Eleanor forced a smile. She wanted to tell the officer but she knew what would happen if she did.

"What happened to your face?"

Eleanor reached up and ran a finger over her busted lip. "Just slipped and fell. I'm very clumsy."

Athena looked at her suspiciously. "Are you alone?" Eleanor nodded. "You can tell me anything."

Eleanor hesitated for a moment, thinking it over. She could tell her. She should tell her. This officer seemed like she'd actually listen and believe her but before Eleanor could get a word out she saw headlights flash into the driveway. It was Michael and Victoria, they were early. Athena noticed Eleanor tense up as the car parked and Michael exited. 

"What's going on?"

"Nothing sir, just a routine procedure. We've received a lot of disturbance calls involving this address so it's procedure to do a wellness check," Athena explained, clearly lying. Eleanor silently thanked the officer. 

"I told her everything was okay here," Eleanor spoke up, still tense.

"Yes, it is officer. Thank you for checking though," Michael put on a fake smile.

"Just doing my job. If there is anything I can help with, don't hesitate." That was directed at Eleanor. Athena handed her a card that read 'Officer Athena Grant' in bold letters. Eleanor gave her a smile that said thank you. 

"Thank you, officer," Victoria spoke in the fakest voice. She smiled at Athena before pushing past Eleanor.

Athena nodded at Michael before making her way back to her car and leaving. Michael gave Eleanor a furious look before pushing her back into the house. 

"What did you do?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"Nothing, I swear," Eleanor started to cry.

"Then why was she here?"

"She told you because of everyone else's calls. I swear I didn't do anything, Michael."

He glared at her as he pushed her away from him. He shook his head and walked away. 

"I told you that one would be nothing but trouble, Michael. You didn't listen to me." Victoria shook her head at Eleanor.


When Athena arrived back at the station she decided to give Maddie a quick call before heading home for the night. She answered on the first ring, almost as if she was waiting by the phone which she probably was but who could blame her.

"Hello?" Maddie answered quickly.

"I think you're right. There's definitely something off."

"I knew it, I could just sense it."

"Well, when you've been in similar situations it's easy to see. I'm sorry Maddie."

"What do we do now?" Maddie asked, ignoring Athena's apology, she didn't want to talk about her situation, especially not now when there was someone else in danger.

"There's nothing I can do unless someone calls again."

"I hate this" Maddie sighed.

"I know, I do too but we have to follow the rules here, unfortunately."

"Thank you for at least looking into it."

"You're welcome." Athena ended the call and gathered her things to go home.

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