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Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Eleanor was sitting on the couch, watching TV, and waiting for Buck to return when her phone buzzed on the table. There was a message from Buck.

Buck: Eddie will be there to pick you up soon.

Eleanor: Okay..? Is everything alright?

Eleanor got up and threw a hoodie on so she'd be ready when Eddie arrived. She frantically refreshed her texts hoping to see a new one from Buck. She got an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach and she hated it. Her phone finally buzzed again, this time it was Eddie. 

"What is going on?" She asked as she quickly got in the passenger seat. 

"Buck didn't call you?"

"He texted and told me that you'd be picking me up, that was it."

"Chim was attacked, somebody stabbed him."

"Oh my god.. Wait, him and Maddie were supposed to have a date tonight."

"Yeah, they can't find her."

"Oh my.." Tears began to form in her eyes. Eddie glanced over and noticed her watery eyes. He placed his hand over hers and gave her a sympathetic look. 

They got to the hospital pretty quickly. Eleanor followed close behind Eddie as they made their way to the waiting room. They were greeted by Hen as soon as they walked in. Eleanor scanned the room but didn't see Buck. 

"We got here as fast as we could."

"Is he okay?" Eleanor asked, half asking about Chim and half about Buck. He must be a mess right now. His friend was attacked and his sister is missing.

"Alive.. but he's got a punctured lung and a lacerated stomach." Eleanor blanked out as they continued talking. She cared about Chim and hoped that he was okay but right now all she could think about was Buck and how he was feeling. 

"Hey, how you holding up?" Eddie asked as he sat down next to Eleanor.

"Mind's racing, don't really know what I'm feeling right now. What about you? He's your friend."

"I'm worried but it's Chim, he always pulls through."

"Buck told me about the rebar. That's.. insane."

"Yeah.. Wanna talk about anything?"

Eleanor gave him a small smile. "I just can't help but feel kind of guilty."


"I encouraged her to file for divorce. What if that's how he found her? Maybe I should've just left it alone."

"Hey, you can't think like that. It's not your fault. She would've filed anyway." Eleanor nodded, she knew Eddie was right but she still felt guilty. "Come here." Eddie held his arms open for her and she fell into them. It wasn't the same as Buck's but it would do. He gave her a little squeeze before letting go. 

After about ten more minutes of waiting, Bobby finally appeared in the doorway. He informed everyone that Chim was finally stable enough to move into surgery. He called Eddie and Eleanor to walk back with him. Eleanor looked around as they walked, waiting to finally see Buck. When her eyes finally landed on him she ran past the two men and straight to him. He caught her in his arms, squeezing her tightly. 

Black And Blue-E.Buckley (9-1-1)Where stories live. Discover now