Chapter 7

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When Harry got to his dorm, he started writing something that would be all over the school by lunch the next day.

Dear Students,

As everyone already knows, a recent post declared that I was gay. The delivery left something to be desired, but the overall message is true. I am gay. For a long time I was killing myself to hide that fact. I had all these reasons that it was unfair that only gay people had to come out. I was sick of change. But the truth is, I was just scared. First I thought it was just a gay thing, but then I realized that announcing who you are to the world is pretty terrifying, because what if the world doesn't like you? So, I did whatever I could to keep my secret. I hurt the best, most important people, and I want them to know that I'm sorry. I am done being scared. I'm done living in a world where I don't get to be who I am. I deserve a great love story. Disclaimer: this is about to get romantic as hell so anyone adverse to gratuitous feelings, kindly put this down and walk away. This guy I love once said that it felt like he was stuck on a ferris wheel. On top of the world one minute, at rock bottom the next. That's how I feel now. I couldn't ask for more amazing friends, a more understanding family. But it would all mean so much more if I had someone to share it with. So Star, I might not know your name, or what you look like, but I know who you are. I know you're funny and thoughtful. You choose your words carefully, and that they're always perfect. And I know that you've been pretending for so long, it's hard to believe you can stop. I get it. Like I told you at the very beginning, I'm just like you. So Star, at the carnival, Saturday at six, you know where I'll be. No pressure for you to show up but I hope you do, because you deserve a great love story too.

Love, Harry


Draco had just seen it when Hermione ran up to him, nearly knocking him over.

"Draco! I was looking for you everywhere!" she exclaimed, sounding out of breath.

"I'm not hiding," he said, not paying full attention, but looking at the paper he held in his hands.

"I see you've seen it. What are you gonna do?" she asked.

"I honestly have no idea. If I go, then he'll know who I am. He'll be disappointed and freaked out, and he'll leave. If I don't go, then I spare myself the heartache, but he'll be just as disappointed. It's a lose-lose," he said.

"Or, you go, and he's happy that it's you, and he doesn't care about your past. You two get together and live happily ever after," she said, taking the paper away from his eyes, and forcing him to look at her.

"That kind of stuff doesn't happen to me, 'Mione. Things don't work out in my world. You, Pansy, and Blaise are my only real friends, and people either fear me, or hate me. Good things just don't happen to me," he said, with a sigh.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy you drop the theatrics. You are amazing. You are smart, and ambitious, and even kind when you want to be. I know that, Pansy and Blaise know that, and Harry knows that, or, he knows that Star is those things, and Star is you. And if you were straight, you would have no problem finding a girlfriend, because even I can admit that you are very good-looking. Harry is going to love you, and don't tell me that I don't know because I've been his best friend since we were eleven. Now, tomorrow, you are going to go to that carnival, and get on that ferris wheel, because we both know you can. You can do this, Draco," she said, grabbing his arms.

When she finished her speech, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him so tightly he could barely breathe, and Draco thought that maybe he could do this after all.


When the Carnival began, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna, and Neville all went straight to the ferris wheel. Hermione was missing at the moment, but Harry was too worried to notice. Many other people came to show their support, like Dean, Seamus, Cedric, and the Weasley twins. Harry took a handful of tickets and went up to the seventh year Ravenclaw that volunteered.

Love, DracoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora