Chapter 2

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 "Sorry 'Mione I think I heard you wrong. Did you just say you're going to a PARTY? In the SLYTHERIN COMMON ROOM?" Yelled Ron.

"Yes Ronald, I'll be attending a party with the Slytherins. The invitation was only extended to me, so I'm sorry but neither of you can come," she said matter-of-factly.

"Who invited you?" asked Harry.

"If you must know, I was invited by Draco. He's actually a very funny person, and we've become friends,". Funny. Draco was funny. Star was funny. I don't know where I'm going with this, Harry thought

"Okay, now I know I'm hearing you wrong. You're friends with DRACO BLOODY MALFOY!" Ron screamed. "You've gone mental,".

"Ron! I can be friends with who I want! He agreed to stop messing with us! And when I tried talking to him, he didn't call me a mudblood or anything! He's changed Ron. It's about time you change too," said Hermione. "I expect I'll be out until late. Don't wait up for me," and with that, she turned and walked out of the common room.

"She's got a point, you know. Maybe he has changed," said Harry.

"Not you too! I expected better from you Harry. You know more than anyone what that git's capable of,"

"Go to bed Ron, maybe in the morning you'll magically be more open-minded," Harry said sarcastically.

"And maybe you'll get your head out of your arse," muttered Ron as he went up the stairs to the dormitory.

Harry, on the other hand, had every intention of waiting up for Hermione. He had decided to finally come out to her. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He felt like he was hit by a petrificus totalus curse. His mind was racing but he couldn't bring himself to move a muscle. He was beyond terrified. It's not easy coming out to someone anonymously, let alone in person. He knew Hermione would accept him but that's beside the point. What if she told someone, or accidentally let it slip to Malfoy? She was becoming friends with him. Just then he got another letter from Star.


So I'm not the only gay guy in our year. How interesting. No, I'm not telling you what house I am in. You're also right that it was Hermione who guessed who I am. Don't bother asking her, she won't tell you. She's a good kid, loyal enough to be a Hufflepuff and clever enough for Ravenclaw. Hell, she could even be a Slytherin. Honestly I'm shocked she's a Gryffindor. I'd love to meet you one day, when I'm ready. As of now though, I can't disclose any more information regarding my identity. I'm sorry.

- Star

Really, Harry was a bit relieved when he read that Star didn't want his identity known. If he did, then Harry would probably have to reveal his as well, and he wasn't ready for that either.

A few hours later and Harry hasn't moved from his spot. Everyone had already gone up to bed, making Harry the only one in the common room when Hermione came back. She had arrived laughing and talking with Draco Malfoy.

"I'm sorry! I already told you that!" said Hermione, barely getting the words out because she was laughing too much.

"I'm not mad, I just think it's hilarious! There's that Gryffindor courage we love to see!" said Draco, slapping her arm playfully and also laughing. Just then, Hermione noticed Harry.

"Harry! I told you not to wait up!" said Hermione.

"I just needed to talk to you. It's something personal, sorry Malfoy,"

"I guess I'll be going then. Bye Hermione," said Draco as he waved at her and walked out the door.

"Bye Draco," she said before he left. Once he was gone, she said, "Harry, are you okay? You look a little pale. You're scaring me,"

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