Jamilton(random chapter)

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Alex was sneaking out of his crib again to get some cookies from the cookie jar, he crawled to the kitchen and grabbed a small stool, he looked around and saw the jar on the top the shelf above him.

He giggled, putting the stool infront the stove and climbing onto the stove, then opening the cabinet and somehow climbed to the very top despite being just a toddler, he grabbed the cookie jar and smiled to himself.
But then, he began to lose his balance, and fell. Luckily, he landed on a pillow.
He was confused, he didn't remember putting a pillow on the floor to catch him if he fell, till he sat up and saw jefferson standing in front of him with his arms crossed, "what awe you dowing hewe? You shouwld be in bed!" Thomas exclaimed, before looking at what hamilton had in his arms.

"So, you went ovew hewe to get the coowkies?" He asked, sighing.
"H-hey! I got them fiwst!" He said, holding the cookies jar tight. "Well you cawn't eat them! Your dad will get mwad." He

"He's not my dwad!" Hamilton shouted, close to tears.
"H-hey! Don't cry! Uh- i'm sowwy but you can't eat thwem, maybe i can cwook somethwing elwse?" Thomas suggested.
"Like wut?" Alex murmured. "Macawoni!" He smiled proudly, alex raised a brow.
"Whats ma-ca-woni?" He asked.

"If you five mwe the cookie jar i'll tewl you."

Alex thought for a while, then nodded. Handing him the cookie jar
"Okay, its a wesepi of a foowd i've been working on!" Thomas said, "is it edible..?" Alex snorted.
"Of couwse its edible!" Thomas pouted, "you can go wait in the living woom." He said,
Alexander nodded, crawling out of the kitchen and to the living room.


"Hewe you go!" Thomas smiled, handing him a plate
Hamilton took a look, it looked disgusting, but never the less, he was really hungry. He could eat about anything.
So, he took a bite and..

"Mm! This, this actwually taste pwetty good!" He said, eating up almost all of his food immediately. And jefferson? Well Jefferson was so happy he was almost crying from joy. "S-so yo wike it?" He asked, "i don't wike it(-chris evans.), i wove it!" He smiled.

"Thanks for making it."
"Anytime darli'n." He said, before covering his mouth afterwards. Did he just call alex "darli'n"? "I-i mean- uh-" he mumbled, trying to change his response, but before he could, alex kissed his in the cheek.
Thomas's face went completely red, and alex giggled. "Can you cook fow mwe some othew time too?" He asked, "s-sure.." thomas muttered what he could.

Alex smiled, taking thomas's hand.
"C'mon, we should go bwack to our roowm before mr.washington finds ouwt." He said, thomas smiled, before nodding.
Both of them walking back the room, holding each other's hands.


Washington was watching from the other sIde-
No literally, he was.
He was watching from the otherside of the room, and was pissed off. "Istg i'm going to kick both him and hercule's ass after this." He mumbled to himself

(Lmao i suck at writing;w;)

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