oh Crush!!

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I could blindly tell what a stud he was,,,i went inside my class and went straight to Ella and sat next to her,,,i was smiling may be day dreaming,,Ella surprisingly looked at me,,i could not say a word,,i was so strucked by the good looks of that guy that i even forgot it was my first day and i was sitting in my new class,,

"Settle down Everybody!"said the teacher who came to our class,,it was History class,i was so engrossed in my thoughts that i almost forgot to stand up to greet our professor..i took out my notebook and pens,the teacher started introducing some topics related to European conquest of North America and revolutionary topics etc etc,,i started to concentrate slowly,

"May i come in Miss?",i looked up,it was the same handsome guy,suddenly i started blushing,i could not control my feelings,i got butterflies in my stomach..

"Is it the time to come jack?",the professor frowned with arched eyebrows,i noticed,i could see,she held her hairs in a bun,she was pretty,anyways my ears heared the name,"JACK"..oh my god,i could not believe my ears,,i got to know his name,,and what more,he was in my class,,what else could i expect from him,,

"Sorry Miss!",my bike broke down,and i had to walk all the way here!,said Jack.

Ok go find a place to sit,,commanded the teacher..i could see him coming towards my place,,i was smiling inside,,i saw him charge towards my back,a place at my back,,oh my god Jack sat at my back desk,,i could barely believe,i could feel at my back,,i started getting butterflies inside,,i was thinking reasons to look back the whole class,,suddenly the class bell rang and it was interval,,i was hoping for a glance of him,,suddenly i felt Ella grabbed my arm,

"Whats the matter with you?", "i am seeing you since you cried,,you are a bit wierd anaya,,i dont get it,,what are you up to?"..i kept quiet for sometime thinking whether to tell her or not,then i realized she is my only hope here,my one and only buddy i could trust right now,,i wanted to confide in her my secrets,,i went to our lunch table,,i sat down with her,i was keeping quiet,,suddenly i pointed my finger towards that boy,Ella looked at her and again looked back at me,she was perplexed,,i could see that expression on her face,,i could not face her,i was thinking for words to say to her....

"What??" "Jack finley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Are you kidding me,,maybe you are out of your mind,,he doesn't even look at us geeks,,he is United's hunk,,a boy every girl would die to have!"..He is the best soccer player and a basket ball champion with all good looks and a voice like silk....said ella in a sinlgle breath.

i listened to her intently,i didn't know whatl to tell her, and in my mind i imagined how he saw me and talked to me earlier that day when i was humiliated,, i tried to look at him through the slight corner of my eye,he was eating a sandwich at the corner table,but i controlled my emotions to look at him..i felt a strong connection to him,i don't know why?,,but i was disappointed,as why he would look at a geek like me,a total loser with elephant size specs,a total disaster..May be Ella was right after all,he was only right for my imagination not reality,i was nothing compared to him,,i noticed some beautiful girls even seniors were trying hard for his attention near his table,they were wandering near his table,i was noticing all this through the corner of my eye..but i had developed a huge CRUSH towards,"JACK FINLEY",united high school's hunk,my batch mate and my first huge crush...

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