Mission Jack Finley!!!!

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oh god!,,its impossible,,i cant wear this,,i could see almost my body exposed in the red tank top,,i hated shorts,but ella warned me to wear shorts,,at that moment i thought,to hell with Jack,,i am ok as a geek,if he has to fall for me,he has to accept me the way i am,

my face sucks i knew that,

i always wore specs,i had no interest in all these stuffs,

Ella instructed me as a teacher would instruct a student,,

she brought her pair of heels for me to wear,

HEELS!!!!!!!!,i was dumbstruck,,i have never in my life wore a heel and walked like a girl,

the way i walked in a heel would gather attention of others as if i am in a rush to go to the loo,it was a very silly and flop idea,,i tried not to interrupt ella,i wore as she instructed me,

"Walk around and show me!!" said ella,,i was embarresed,thought not to tell her what a disaster i was with heels,i got up and walked on the carpet with a look of ease on my face,trippling and tossing,the heel felt as it was of a 1000kgs,,i was so comfortable in my balance sneakers and flipflops..i looked at ella,she was not too pleased with my circus walking,i made a face of "I AM SORRY<HELP ME OUT",, she understood what i was thinking,, but it was of no help..
"You have to wear these",she said..

I was disappointed but I did not want to disappoint my one single friend here so I decided to go to the battlefield..

adding more to my disappointment she brought me lipsticks and a DVD of " MODEL BEHAVIOR " movie..

she was damn serious to make the next day a nightmare for me..

inside I was hoping maybe I could look better and he would notice me..it was a "MAYBE"...

I was desperately wanting the time not to go too fast...but to my expectations time passed swiftly.....

**it was the next day**

readers(I don't know if there are any) but if u are reading my average writing skilled 1st novel...I would request you to like it or just read it..I promise you it will have an interesting end..now wait for what happens when jack sees anaya in a new attire.xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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