Part XI *° Cages °*

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He took a deep breath and put on a smile again infront of the customers. He couldn't do anything about it afterall, they wanted a cat and it was his job to provide it for them.

"I want him!" The little girl suddenly screamed, " I want this pretty cat." She pointed at the blueish grey cat that just arrived this morning. Dino bit his lip, It was indeed a pretty unique feline. He had never seen a cat like that before, big eyes, soft fluffy fur that was in an unsual color and a magestic posture. I need to look up his breed later.

"You heard the young lady, right?" The butler pulled him out of his thoughts," she wants that cat over there."

Dino reluctantly complies, not wanting to part with the cat so soon. He took the panicked animal out of his cage and put it in his new owners' one.

"Now if you'll follow me to sign some papers." he said, walking away from the meowing cat.

Mingyu on the other hand, was frantic. This was the worst thing that could happen after his fight with you. And it had been what? Less than 30 minutes? truly a record.

He kept calling your name to wake you up many times but no avail. You were in deep slumber. She's not a cat at this point, she's a whole ass koala.

He didn't even have the time to leave you a note or something to tell that he has been taken away. How would you react when you wake up and don't find him next to you.

She's gonna be relieved she doesn't have to deal with you again.

Mingyu bit his lip at what the little voice in his head said. That kinda hit close home. It's true that you two have been rivals since childhood but that didn't necessarily mean he hated you. In fact, you always have been a special person to him. He wasn't sure why he felt that way but you've known eachother since childhood, so that must be the reason why he felt hurt.

He shook his head, what was he hurt for? The voice was right, you even said it outloud, that you wished you never met him.

"It's time to go Mr. Star." The little girl popped up infront of his cage. Mingyu closed his eyes and sighed. I guess it's really time for me to go...


You stirred from your sleep with a heavy feeling on your chest and a bothered conscience. Your brain recalling the harsh words you told Mingyu earlier over and over again. Aargh... I'm so stupid. You hit your head on the cage walls reprimanding yourself for your bad temper. I should really keep my mouth shut next time...

You sighed, thinking about a way to make it up for him, it's not like he did that on purpose. Plus he was in the same situation as you, and blaming others never solved anything. You two needed to work together to overcome this, and the first step towards that was apologizing.

You slowly approached the shared wall in your cage and softly called his name.

No response.

Your tried again and waited few seconds but no avail. Is he that mad at me?

You just decided to talk and hoped he would listen to you, " I'm sorry I overreacted earlier, I take back my words we should work together to find our way out of here and become humans again."

Still no response.

You started having a bad feeling because of the silence, what if he didn't want to talk to you again? Who would you go to for help if not him? You would've done the same thing if you woke up one day as a cat with nowhere to go.

My Kitty Crush || Mingyu X ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu