Chapter 3

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Tears streamed down my face as I basically ran home. I had carelessly crossed the creek and my pants were mostly soaked, but I didn't care. My heart was just broken.

My house was black and everyone was still asleep. I took off my now soaked shoes and rolled my pants legs below my knees. Tiptoeing upstairs, I made my way to my room. The tears continued to drip from my face as I changed into a baggy top and sleeping shorts.

Laying in bed, I rested my head on my pillow while hoping that this pain will all go away. Agony and fury cluttered my once happy thoughts. Everything overwhelmed me and I was soon asleep.


The sound of cries from my brother woke me. My head pounded from all the crying the previous night. Throwing a robe over my shoulder, I made my way over to the bathroom to freshen up.

My eyes were puffy and red. Dried tears lined from my eyes. Trying my best to forget last night, I hopped in the shower. The warm water trickled down my stressed body. All bad feelings fled me instantly. My usual shower time took about 10 minutes. This one took so much time that I forgot how long I was in.

My mom was sitting at the computer when I came downstairs. "Naomi. How was your sleep, baby? You look like you had a rough night." She'd just noticed me slumping downstairs and to the kitchen.

"Oh nothing. Coups barely sleep. Was up with things in my mind." I answered. The plastic plate with Noah's fish drawings copied onto it sat in the microwave with my warm food on it. Taking it, I went over to the table and started eating away.

"Well good thing last night's over, huh?" Mom smiled while going back to typing at the computer. I nodded to myself. The house was in it's usual quiet mid morning state. Noah was in the living room watching his educational shows while Nikki listened to her iPod on the couch.

When I was done with breakfast I went back upstairs and to my room. Today I just didn't want to be apart of anything and have people catching on to me. Thinking about what happened last night would've spread a bad vibe everywhere.

It was now around 5 and my stepdad was coming back from work. "Nadia! Kids! I have big news!" He said when he came in. I put down my book that I've been locked up in my room reading for the past hours and came downstairs.

"Yeah, Troy?" My mom held Noah on her side.

"Wassup?" Nikki said, taking a bud from her ear.

Troy waited for everyone to be around. "Guys! We're moving!" He announced with the biggest smile on his face. My mom stood there with a surprised look on her face. Nikki was now sitting up in the couch, the same expression on her face as well.

"Wait. What?! Why?" I exclaimed while coming from the stairs. "We can't move! My life is here. Friends, school, memories!"

Troy stayed there smiling as he sat on the couch's armrest. "But Naomi, I got a job promotion and this means that we won't have to struggle anymore. And you could always make new friends, join a new school, and make new memories."

My mom put Noah down before screaming and hugging Troy. My sister seemed lost at first but cheered for a bit then went back to listening to her music.

But how are we struggling? I love it here! Except the thing last night but that's it! We can't move!

"But... But.." My mom and Troy cheered loudly. I couldn't think of anything to say. I just stormed up to my room, more frustrated than ever.


Troy didn't say that we were moving really really soon. It didn't make sense. I woke up in the dark and carried myself down to what used to be the living room. Cardboard boxes were stacked in the corners near the door, in the kitchen, and the dining room.

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