Chapter 2

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I watched as my mom disappeared into Noah's room with my snoozing baby brother in her arms. Not too long after, she came back out stretching and scratching her back.

"Nadia? Are you coming to bed?" I heard Troy call. My mom didn't verbally reply, but instead she sluggishly walked into her room.

Seeing that my mom and Troy went to bed, I followed and went in mine. I had to wait a bit longer till they we're surely asleep.

A couple minutes passed by and I had the signal since I heard them both snoring.

Slowly rolling out of my bed, I tiptoed over to my closet and grabbed my favorite Adventure Time sweater. Luckily, I already had a pair of patterned joggers on so I quickly went over to the mirror and put my hair into sloppy pig tails.

My reflection stared back at me. Then my siblings came into mind. Then my mom. Then Troy.

How would they feel if this happened? How would Troy feel to know I sneaked out for the 5th time to see a guy that he probably didn't approve of? He would be devastated. My mom would be devastated! And to think that I'm looking forward to calling him dad one day.

Thoughts were filling my head, making me begin to regret telling Steven that I was going to meet him. Great. Now Steven is on my mind.

Out of nowhere, my phone went off. Loudly. I bolted over to my nightstand then frantically grabbed my phone, struggling to keep my phone still. I clicked my answer button, seeing that it was from Steven.

"Naomi? Are you still coming? It's past the time." He whispered.

"Oh yeah. Yeah I'm coming. I'm leaving as we speak." I told him under my breath, cupping the phone to my mouth.

"Oh okay, baby. I'll be waiting for you. I really can't wait!" He said, making a kiss sound into the phone then hanging up the phone.

I couldn't let him down. We barely see each other. This time wouldn't be any different.

I pulled my hood over my head, grabbed my purple converses, and opened my door. Stealthily, I tiptoed out my door and past the bathroom, next to Nikki's room.

I was just about to go for the stairs before something stopped me, "Where ya goin', Nae?" I heard Nikki say.

"Nikki! Don't tell anyone, but I'm going to go see Steven again." I told her while putting my finger to my sealed lips. Nikki groaned then folded her arms.

"Ughhh. Okay. I know the deal... But again? Why do you waste time seeing that jerk?" She asked.

"I just don't get a good vibe from him."

"Well... I see him in a different way, Nikki." I replied while leaving the hallway to go down the stairs. Slipping on my shoes, I was finally able to make it through the door and out the yard.

I made the usual stroll down the road and to the creek. The creek made that soothing sound as the water flowed steadily. This time the rocks weren't as slippery so I made it across dry compared to the other times. A marked trail from the many times the creek was used as a shortcut lined to an old brown gate.

Houses that weren't really diverse lined the cul de sac. Steven's house was at the end on the road and the side of his backyard was a straight way. Casually, I walked through the neighborhood and to the yellow picket fence that was Steven's.

Satan, Danger, Madness, and Terror, his chihuahuas, were fast asleep as I creeped by them. The old ladder to the tree house squeaked its normal squeak while I climbed it.
Yellow light glowed through the cracks of the aged door and poured through once I pushed it open. The door creaked back and thumped against the tree house, catching Steven's attention.

"Naomi! You're here!" He crawled over to me on his knees to bring me into the tightest hug.

His blue varsity sweater smelled as if he'd went through the worst, but I couldn't do anything but hug him back. "I've missed you so much, babe." He still held me tight.

The much yearned hug past by after a what felt like 5 minutes. Those five minutes were definitely the best minutes for me all week.

We were now separated, with the tiniest space parting us. "I really missed you, Naomi. You're all that I've been thinking about since we've seen each other last time." He said, his brown orbs gazing into my greenish brown ones.

All I could reply with was a giggle. He had this effect on me: those eyes that shoots through my soul when he simply catches eyes with me, that different smile that was just for me - it just drove me crazy for him.

Catching myself staring like a complete idiot, I tried to focus on something except for my boyfriend's features. Looking around, I started to reminisce on the old tree house.

The now raggedy dirty baby blue curtain hung above the window fluttered in the cool spring air. Torn and damaged posters of bands and celebrities clung to the wall by loose thumbtacks. Black and white zagzaged across the small TV standing on a wall shelf. Everything was weathered down and old, but still standing. It all brought memories.

"The tree house is still looking good. So many good memories here." I smiled, still looking around and folding my legs beneath me.

"Yeah." Steven also looked around, following me to sit across from me. "How about we make another memory?" He rolled his lips and slid his hand to cover mine.

What? What does he mean by this?

"Huh?" I asked him, confusion taking over my face.

"The surprise. I was thinking -" he started off before I cut him off as soon as I knew what he was gearing towards, "Steven, we've been dating for a while, I know. But I just don't think I'm ready." I said, nervously.

"Nae, be cool." This time he put his hands around my hips. Furious now, I shoved his hands off. "No! Steven don't try me!" I said more sternly.

"Plus you really shouldn't be trying to do anything considering the fact that we barely see each other." I added, folding my arms.

"Okay. Okay. You're right. I'm sorry." He surrendered, starting to rub my shoulders.

I couldn't believe him right now. He knows how I was. He knew I wasn't ready. How could he? I was beyond pissed with him.

"I said I'm sorry, bae. Look at me." He did that voice that he knew got me. The anger still bubbled in me, only slightly simmered now. His toned body was now pressed up against my back, making me feel weird.

"Come on..." He tried again, this time, breathing down my neck. I gave in and finally turned to him, still kinda mad. "That really wasn't cool, Steven." I pouted, my arms still folded.

Steven continued keeping his contact with me. He smiled that smile at me without saying a word. Immediately, I knew where this was going.

Before I knew it, we were kissing. Things were getting really heated while I started to feel his hand start to slither up my sweater.

Pulling back immediately, I pushed his hand off again, "Steven! Stop! I'm serious!" I shouted.

He groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Ok, Naomi! You were playing hard to get at first and I liked the chase, but now it's getting really annoying and I'm starting to lose patience with you." He shouted back.

My eyes started to fill with hurt and disbelief. I had to try my best to hold back my tears. I had to show that I was stronger than what he must've thought I was.

"What?!" I'm playing hard to get? I told you I wasn't ready and you said you understood." It was getting harder to hold back my tears with every word.

"I really liked you, Naomi. You were different to me. I guess not." He avoided eye contact with me by looking at the walls.

I couldn't believe what he was saying right about now. The tears built up behind my eyes were trying its best to escape. Seeing that I was no longer wanted here, I dismissed myself, leaving the tree house with a loud slam of the door.

Differences (An Interracial Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora