My First First Love

Start from the beginning

"He came to my house. He was screaming my name so loudly that all the neighbors came out. He created a huge scene. He told everyone that I seduced him first. I forced him to have... I didn't want to sleep with anyone Alex!"

Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Mom scolded me so much. I didn't tell anyone about him. Not even my sister. She got to know everything that night. I told my mom to trust me about what I said. But what she did was trust him.
She told me I'm not her daughter anymore. All these hurted me so much. I felt like I should die! But di. She told me I've to live. I've to live for my family. Mom is too hurt. She just needs some time. I was just living for my mom. You know, she didn't talk to me for a month. After a month, I couldn't resist and cried in front of her. I told her that I didn't do anything. Trust me. Please Trust Me! I Beg her! And she fell down on the floor. We took her to the hospital. She had a heart attack. Doctors told us that she is not responding to any of their medicines. I went to see her. I screamed in front of her. I told her to Trust me! I told her that I will live the way she wants me to live. My life will her hers from now on. But please just wake up. Please. She started responding. I... I was so happy to see her good. From then to now, all I'm doing is to follow her command. I don't even know that she trusts me now or not. I don't know that she loves me or not. I'm just living like a half-dead body who is just following her mom. We... We even left India and shifted to Bangalore. All I did was what Mom wished for. That's it."

"Michelle. You are a great daughter. What happened in the past was not because of you. Please stop crying."

He was looking at me. Straight in my eyes. I felt as if he's looking to my broken soul. As if he'll heal me. As if he is the one. The one I'm meant to be. Jack was a bad past. And Alex. He is my present. He can be my future. A bright future. The thing I want to admit to him is that I like him. I like him so much that I'm in love with him. He is my first love. My First First Love. He... He's hands were on my cheeks. I took his hands and kept them on my waist. I... I felt as if a current is going throught my body when he touch me. I heard a song again! And It was perfect for this moment!

🎶Something In Your Eyes
Tell Me Who I'm
Something In My Highs
Whenever you're near
You can tell me lies
I can read your heart
Everybody knows
Everybody knows. 🎶

I closed my eyes.
Again a song. Ahh! My favorite part.

🎶I've been in the shadows
Waters deep and shallow paths
You were there
Everything is loving here
And just baby I'm! In love.
Can't I fall in love again?

Baby you're the one I needed
To take it all away
This pain
Can you fall in love with me?
And tell me that you'll care for me

So when I close my eyes
Will you be there
To let me know that I'll be okay
Can't I fall in love again?
This way
With you.🎶

And the moment I opened it, he was just inches away from me. Maybe he can feel the same way I'm feeling after listening the song. He doesn't say anything. All he is doing is to watch me. I glanced at his lips. They were so soft. My fingers trail down to his lips, my thumb brushing over his soft lips savoring every single touch.
He catches my fingers and our eyes meet.

"You're drunk! Stop!"
"I can't! I don't want to!"
I pulled him near me...

"Ahhhh!" I screamed. My head is spinning! The sunlight is falling on my head as if it's getting into my head!
I opened my eyes and got up.
What? Where am I?
Am I in his room?
I screamed-"Alexxx"
He came running in.

"What? Why are you screaming? Are you still drunk?"

"Why am I here? In your room?"

"Don't you know Miss. Meera? Try to remember!"

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