Chapter 5

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(I know Jeremy is only a year younger than her but for the sake of the book he's three years younger.)

Elena  was at the bar workimg it was almost the end of her shift. When she switched with the person on the next shift and grabbed her stuff. She was about to walk out the grill when Jeremy Tyler and Bonnie walked in.

"Elena can we talk" Bonnie said.

"No" Elena said.

"Where's Evie we haven't seen her and it's not like her to disapear" Jeremy said. Elena could tell that he was worried for her.

"She's where you'll be soon as soon as i get these papers from Liz" Elena said. As liz walked in.

"Here you go Elena" She handed them to her and walked out.

"Oh look they came saying i have full custody of both you your 16 remember" Elena said

"That is not fair" Bonnie said.

"You kissed my boyfriend while i was with him i don't like you so why are you talking to me" Elena asked."Becareful Ty there not involved in the supernatural anymore i won't allow it"

"What you can't just take us out it does't work like that" Jeremy said.

"Wanna bet i can and will. I'll send Caroline and my new friend to pack y'all things later. And take it to my house." Elena said."I am not having you involved with them especially this little slut"

"I'm a slut" Bonnie said.

"Yes i really wish you could just go fall off a cliff" Elena said. She hated Bonnie after everything she still did."When you die i won't be sad at all. Lets go Jeremy."
Elena and Jeremy arrived at her house and walked in and seen Katherine holding Henrick and Evie holding Annabeth."That is your neice and nefew Annabeth and Henrick." Caroline walked in with Nathan,"That is Nathan Caroline's son"

"You had kids" Jeremy said.

"Yeah i did There 1 so is Nathan but Nathan is older than them. By like a week or two." Elena said.

"Birthdays April 1st and April tenth" Caroline said.

"What is she doing here" Jeremy asked.

"Katherine is my friend. We couldn't have all three with each other in New York so she took Annabeth to California cause if they had been together there magic would have started sooner now its here and were trying" Elena said.

"She tried to kill you she tried to kill me" Jeremy said.

"When i stopped hanging with the Salvatores she left me alone" Elena said.

"Why am i being forced to stay here" Jeremy asked.

"Because it means your safe. And thats what i need. I got cornered yesterday and he knew i was pregnant so i need to figure out how much he knows which means my focus can't be on you two. So don't leave the fucking house" Elena said. She had to much to deal with right now and it only seemed to be getting worse."What did you tell them yesterday Caroline."

"Nothing" Caroline said.

"Your lying" Elena said.

"They asked me were you pregnant i told them no they told me i was lying they don't know i was pregnant. They just know you were." Caroline said.

"How" Katherine said.

"I have no clue but they were sure as hell so someone told them" Caroline said.

"He asked me did i get an abortion i never gave a direct answer besides don't worry about it it's none of your concern" Elena said She pulled out her phone and dialed a number."Hello"

"Hey Elena" Haley said.

"I heard the news about Hope did they give you the Anklet and the bracelet" Elena asked.

"Yeah and the order to never leave the house i'm on lockdown again" Haley said.

"Sorry trust me i wish i didn't have to put anyone on lockdown but there is no choice. It's dagerous right now" Elena said.

"I know" Haley said."But i want to help"

"Question who told Kol i was pregnant i never told him" Elena said.

"Bonnie told him because she still likes hom but he's in love with you still" Haley said.

"Is he there" Elena asked.

"Yeah he's in his room probably reading a book its what he does to distract himself" Haley said.

"I need a favor tell him i said meet me at the grill we need to talk and i very much rather be in public" Elena said.

"Ok i will" Haley sad.

"Stay safe Hales" Elena said.

"Same to you Lena wish them goodnight for me bye" Haley said. She hung up.

Elena turned towards Caroline."Easy"

"Wow" Katherine said.

"Yeah met her when she first got here then again in New york" Elena said."Can you two go get there stuff i got tot talk to him"



Haley went and layed Hope down and went to Kol's room she knocked on his door.

"Come in"She walked him and seen him like she expected reading a book."Yes Haley."

"Elena wants to talk to you she said alone at the grill she rather be in public now" Haley said.

"How do you know Elena" Kol asked.

"I met her whe i first got to Mystic Falls you know before she left cause you hurt her. Who do you think helped her get out of town."

Discovered - KolenaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora