Chapter 10

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Maybe sneaking out the house had been a horrible idea but she couldn't think of anything else to find Dahlia. Caroline was meeting her at the old witch spot."And your sure that she is going to come here for us?" Caroline was scared that there plan wans't going to work and they didn't have any kind of back up. It was only them and she didn't want anything to happen to them. They were Vampires that were going again two witches.

Elena honestly wasn't sure there plan wasn't solid. But it was the best that she had. She couldn't lose her baby to them. It was not her kids fault that their grandmother sold them away before they were even born."I told esther i was ready to trade." She wasn't sure that Esther would come or would she smell it as a trap.

"Are you sure that is going to work?" Caroline was worried she couldn't lose her son and they didn't have any help.

"It has to work i am not losing my kids." She didn't care what anyone said or what she had to do. No kids were dying on her watch. If she had to kill both Esther and Dahlia to get her point across than that was exactly what she was going to do.

Caroline knew that her best friend was right they were going to survive she had to believe it."Me either."

They knew that it wasn't going to be easier but they were going to do."Lets do this."
The girls were in position Elena really hoped that this worked. They were both hiding behind trees they had a plan but they had no clue how this was about to go. Elena knew that her best friend was right they had absolutely no back up. And no help they were going into this all alone. But she knew that she had to do this for her daughter and her son. Caroline was scared to but she knew that her best friend was right they had to do this for their kids and they would.

"Elena are you here?" Esther called she knew that she was but she wanted to see how the brunette was going to try and do this.

"Depends where's your sister." Elena asked she wasn't coming out from behind the tree unless she was sure that this was actually going to work in their favor.

Esther chuckled she knew that Elena had courage but their was a difference between having courage and risking her life for no reason at all."She's here watching the fact that you and Caroline are here but Annabeth and Nathan aren't so why is that?"

"You getting my kids over our dead bodies." Even though they knew that Caroline was their Elena was going to do all the talking. It was the only way that their plan was going to succed.

"Trust me that can be arranged." She didn't know that voice they were assuming it was Dahlia.

Elena wasn't going down without her fight. Their was no way in hell she was letting her use her child for power so that she can be immortal. No matter who their family was they were innoccent."Do we look like we would be killed easily to you."

"Their is nothing you can do against us. You two stupidly came alone and that was your mistake." Esther already knew that Elena was a Martyr that was no surprise but she didn't think that Caroline would help her in defending someone who was marked to be stolen since before they were born.

"What would the difference be if we brought in your children." Elena knew what she would do if her children had came she would have hurt them without a second thought. Because that was who she was she didn't care about keeping them safe just about doing whatever she pleased.

"It's not your faults that you have to give up your kids." Esther wanted to do this easy and the easiest way would be to turn them against her children and make her think that this was their fault."It's theirs its not our fault that they were cursed and you might die because of it."

Elena wasn't buying it she knew exactly what Esther was doing she was trying to distract them and blame her children as an excuse. But that was all it was an excuse that wouldn't work."You sold your daughter into Slavery."

"I didnt have a choice if i hadn't done that i would have never gotten the family that i always wanted." Esther hadn't wanted to sell her daughter to her sister but she had to and because she did she ended up having 7 kids in total. Her wish had always been to have a happy family.

"Is that why you went crazy and turned them into the most dangerous creatures in the world." Elena was not stupid this was all apart of her plan she was just going to take her time until she had the right opening that she was going to be able to do what she came to do.

"I wanted to protect them i wanted to make sure that this never happened?" Esther didn't understand why they were making this so difficult for her. It would be so easy if they just gave into her plan they would at least live."I don't get why your complaining you still have Henrick. Her whole live she was with your double. Someone that you once claimed that you hated. You and Kol still have Henrick to fall back on you will get to watch him grow up."

Elena looked over at her best friend who looked like she was about to cry. She would never do that to her and she wouldn't let them do that to her either."What about Caroline Nathan is her son her everything i would never do that to my best friend."

Esther wasn't giving her a choice she was going to pay the end of her bargin whether they liked it or not."You don't have a choice and it's not like i'm hurting my son seeing as he still has Hope."

"Sometimes thats not enough Esther." She knew that Esther no longer had a heart but she wasn't giving it in. She wasn't Esther she wasn't willing to give up one and just go on. Like she was she would not stop until they were protected."You went crazy wanting to get pregnant again and bring your family back together after Freya. And what about Henrick you went insane after he died. You let your own husband stabbed your children in the heart and you just let him. You let him kill your children unsure if that spell was actually going to work."

"What's your point." Esther didn't care what Elena was saying she was going to do what she was going to do.

Elena shook her head and that was one thing standing in her way. She was done with Esther she killed her once and they would do it again."That I can take your my only worry."

Caroline flashed and snapped Esther's neck killing her. Elena flashed to her and they were back to back when they heard a branch break. They seen Freya Hayley Klaus and Kol."What the hell are you doing?"

Elena and Caroline had never been happier to see them but they were also kind of pissed that they were able to find them.

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