Chapter 4

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Elena was home with Henrick and Nathan she let Caroline go out for awhile. When Caroline walked in. She was fuming.

Henrick and Nathan were running around."What's wrong"

"Kol and Klaus cornered me" Caroline said.

"You didn't say anything right" Elena asked.

"No i didn't tell them" Caroline said.

"I got to get to work there much better. " Elena said.

"Ok go put on your show" Caroline said. She was knew bartending was one of the things that could put all her worries to rest.

"Bye" Elena said. She went and found the two in there room. She gave them each a kiss on the forhead and headed off to work. When she got there she got to work doing orders and making drinks.

Evie walked up to her."Thanks i feel so much better"

"Good for you aren't you to young to be in a bar" Elena asked.

"Aren't you to be young to be working in a bar" Evie asked.

"No i am 19 have to be 18 nice try"Elena smiled."I wasn't kidding about earlier staying within there circle is only going to make you end up broken just like me i was broken i had no one to turn to."

"Well now you have me i may be younger but i'm good to talk to" Evie said."You should let me sign your lease so no one can sneak in to your hosue"

"Ok we can go in a few hours when i go on break" Elena said.

"Can i wait here until then" Evie said.

"Ok" Elena said. She was happy to get to know her sister.

They were at the real estate office the papers were getting pulled up. Elena pulled out her phone and called Caroline.

"Hello" Caroline siad. She was confused on while Elena was calling her unless something happened."What Happened."

"Evie's signing the lease" Elena said."So that no one can walk in."

"Ok will be on the porch thanks for the warning" Caroline said.

"And let you be forced out of your own house no way in hell" Elena said.

"Thanks bye" Caroline said.

"Ok sign here here and here"

Evie signed where she was told. When she was done they were filled and they headed towards the house.

Elena stopped her before they arrived,"Before we get there there's something you should know why i left two years ago i was pregnant"

"Really"Evie asked

Elena nodded"Henrick my son so was Caroline her son Nathan"

"Ok" Evie said. When they got to the house Caroline was chasing the boys around the grass.

"Yay thank you god there having a blast running in opposite directions" Caroline grabbed Nathan and Elena grabbed Henrick.

"Elena Henrick Caroline Nathan you can come in" Evie said. The five walked into the house.

"You can't tell anyone Evie not Jeremy not Tyler and definetly not the original family they can not know" Elena said.

"Ok" Evie said.

"Feel free to stop by whenever just don't bring them or ever invite them in"  Caroline said.

Elena was working again

"Can i get a bourbon love" She looked up and seen Kol and Klaus,

"If Caroline didn't tell you what makes you think i will" Elena said.

"Oh so she's already talked to you" Kol said,

"Were not friends why are you here you can't say anything to me the last 24 hours now you say something." Elena said.

"Can we talk" Kol asked.

"No what point of not friends didn't you catch the first time. I don't like you i hate you i hope you rot in Hell for the rest of your undead life." Elena said.

"You really gonna be that way shouldn't i be the one mad at you" Kol said"Let me ask you one question did you get an abortion"

"What are you talking about i was never pregnant" Elena said.

"Your as bad of a liar as Caroline shame" Klaus said.

"I should have known she was lying" Elena said,"Don't worry about it you left you have no right to worry about me anymore you lost that "


"Listen closley to what i am saying fuck you go rot in hell please and thank you I hate you and dont worry about what i did cause you had no say in it the moment you left" Elena went and clocked on and went home. When she got there she was so mad,"CAROLINE ELIZABETH FOR-" she stopped when she seen Caroline Evie and Katherine.

"Someone missed there mom" Katherine got up and grabbed a baby girl that looked just like Henrick.

"Anna" Elena took her daughter and smiled. "What happened"

"We were hiding in California she started to display magic last week. Next thing i know there a note on my door saying im coming for her called Caroline found out y'all were here so i came"

"Here" Caroline put the anklet on her.  She handed Katherine a ring."Never take that off"

"Got it" Katherine siad.

"You can have the guest room upstairs first door on the left Caroline stays upstairs with Nate i'm down here with Henrick and Annabeth" Elena said.

"Alright" Katherine said.

"Evie are you moving in with me or you want to stay with them friends of yours" Elena asked.

"You serious" Evie smiled.

"You can have the guest room down here tomorrow i'll take you to get your things" Elena said.


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