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The Male Hunter of the Pack

(Chapter 16)

Scott POV

There has been a hidden agreement within the pack that knocking on the door of the room, where Red and Stiles do their researches and plans, is futile. It seemed to be pointless whenever anyone of the two went back to their work since either of the two are immensely are focused on their tasks. After encountering a humming Red in the room while reading articles some time ago and Stiles writing summarized articles for Red a week ago, the pack decided to hang a 'do not disturb' sign on the door whenever one of them is inside the room. The pack even thought that the provided meeting room should be called Research Room because of the two humans.

Scott peeked inside the infamous room to see the human of the pack and the room in shambles. The room provided for him has a large table in the middle with four folding chairs on each side but with the researches Stiles made, it became unrecognizable. The once neat room with folding chairs on each side of the table, that is in the middle of the room, became a mountain of papers and books. Pieces of papers are stuck in the four sides of the room and a bunch of papers and pictures on the sliding board; that Stiles requested to have in the meeting room. A large map is placed on top of the table with books and stacks of paper to hold it down. Stiles' infamous large mug, which Red had replaced some time ago after he accidentally smashes it while cleaning his equipment inside, is filled once again with tea that has lots of sugar and is on top of a stack of papers; that is bound to have stains and circular mug stains. Stiles was seated on a folding chair, beside the large map of Beacon Hills, with another chair across him to propped up his legs. His glasses are askew and dark bags became visible under the LED light.

Stiles is reading the piece of paper in his left hand and with his laptop on his lap. His left elbow is propped on the map while his right hand is twirling a pen; focusing on the article written on the paper and forgetting his surroundings. Clothes are wrinkled and worn haphazardly. Scott looked at his best friend from head to toe and thought on whether to approach him or not but the guilt he feels weighs more than the feeling to not disturb Stiles on his researches.

"Stiles?" Scott called out softly to Stiles but the human of the pack was immersed in his reading; flipping a page before continuing to indulge himself to read furthermore. Scott sighed at the concentration of Stiles before walking into the room slowly and quietly. He grabbed a few papers that were flown on the floor then neatly stacked them on one of the sides of the table. Scott decided to lean on the other side of the table and cleared his throat, which effectively got the attention of their researcher. Stiles looked up groggily from the paper in front of him before letting out a huff and placed the paper on his lap.

"Scott?" Stiles squinted his eyes as he questioned the alpha in front of him and before rubbing his eyes with his hand, "do you need anything?"

Scott's mind went blank and assessed his friend's condition. Stiles' eyes express tiredness and his body looks like it was about to break. Large bags were forming under his eyes. His lips look chapped from the lack of water and his face and hands have blotches of ink and words from the books and pen. Scott realizes why Lydia and the other girls of the pack look at Stiles with worry and concern, after taking in Stiles' appearance.

"We are worried about you," Scott admitted as he eases his nerves by rubbing his neck with his hand, "Do you need any help with your searches?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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