Part 1: Indonesia's werewolf transformation

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Indonesia starts screaming and growling in pain. Malay and Phil walks away slowly from Indo because they were scared. Indo teeths starts growing sharper and sharper. Indo's hands are growing black claws and white fur is growing all over Indo's body. Indo's legs starts to form into wolf-like legs. Indo can't see anything because his eyes are closed in pain. Indo screamed and crying when Indo's tail grow larger. Indo grows soft-looking wolf ears. Malay & Phil didn't know what to do since Indo's body is growing bigger than Indo's normal size. The transformation stoped and so as Indo stoped screaming in pain. Indo opened his eyes with his black eyes and red white pupils just like the color of Indo's flag. Indo took a deep breath. Malay and Phil tries to get closer to Indo but they were too nervous to get closer to him. Indo stares at Malay and Phil with a curious face. Malay and Phil flinched and started to sweat. Indo sniffed Malay and Phil, trying to reconize them. Malay wasn't looking at Indo at all, but instead looking at the soft ears of Indo's with satisfication. Malay touches Indo's ears and amazed how soft Indo's ears were. Indo blushed a bit and starts whimpering and wags his tail. Malay thinks that touching Indo's ears will make him comfertable. Phil looked at what Malay's doing and starts to touch Indo's big tail. Indo licks Malay and Phil.

Malay: aww, you are so cute!
Phil: yeah! you are really soft!
Indo: hehehe thanks...
Malay: im sorry you have to go to that painful transformation.
Indo: ahh its okay! I'm still fine as usual. I only feel different
Phil: how do you feel?
Indo: uhh i feel weird on my legs. I can move my tail! And some how a i have better vision.
Phil: oh. I so amazed by how soft you are as a wolf!
Indo: t-t-thanks
Phil: i wonder how do you turn one tho...
Indo: okay i think that is enough!
Malay: oop, sorry!
Phil: alright lets go to sleep.

Indo curls up while Malay and Phil is sleep on Indo's back. In the morning, Malay woke up first and saw that Indo turned into a normal human being. Indo's pants are ripped off because of his big wolf tail. They all woke up. Indo changed his pants with his backup pants. Malay and Indo thanked Phil for the great sleepover.

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