Reunited: Noctis Lucis Caelum {Final Fantasy XV}

Start from the beginning

Then Gladio, still no answer.

Then when Ignis called out to his friend..

The figure of Noctis turned around.

He was still materializing, and needed us to be quiet.

We understood the silent hint.. Except Prompto, we had to tell him what was happening before he finally shut up..


A bright light shone, which was blindimg, as we closed and shielded our eyes as we turned away, not that it did much damage to Ignis.. [sorry not sorry]

When the light died out, we turned to see Noctis, nice and whole, his eyes focused on the four of us.

None of us dared move.

I decided to move first.

I took one step towards him.

Then another..

Then another.

Until I was inches away from his tall and muscular frame.

Sure, he was a tad bit taller than me, and way more matured now, but..

He seemed.. Different, somehow..

It wasnt a bad difference..

It was..


The situation was extremely awkward, you could literally feel the tension in the atmosphere, as we all waited for Noctis to react.

But it was in the moment that I realized that while Noctis had been gone, he still aged all the same.

Time flew by similarly in other places.

As the other three went over to Noctis, gradually speeding up, Ignis held onto Gladio for guidance, as Noctis hadnt moved at all yet.

And all of us embraced him all at once, breaking him out of his reverie.


"Of course.. Why wouldnt I be, Prompto? Gladio, how have you been doing in my abscence? Ignis!! You okay, bud? Hey, Y/N..?"

"Y-yeah..?!" I squeaked, my excitement obvious.

"I see you've changed dramatically since I left Insomnia. How is everyone..?" He asked.

"U-umm.. From what little info I have, no very well.. The land of Insomnia is fine, its just.. The beaurucrats aren't.. They're still panicking about how the crown prince of Lucis suddenly disappeared alongside the Oracle. And the blame shifted onto your friends. If you came back, you could clear their names."

Noctis shook his head.

"As much as I'd love to, I dont think I can. My return would only bring up more controversy and problems to these three, and they've got a lot on their plates.. I wouldn't want to be a burden to them."

"You're not a burden to anyone, Noctis. Not even to me. Although your disappearance did make me train harder than I ever did.. But, it isnt the point. Why is it that whenever something comes up, it surrounds us five..?"

Gladio said,

"Maybe its just because we're easy targets..?"

Ignis replied,

"Well, if we were, I wouldnt be standing here. Instead, I think its just that they want to make is lose all faith and hope in the world."

"I agree with you, Ignis." Noctis and I said simultaneously.

"They even finish each other's sentences~ So cute!" Prompto pointed out.

I huffed in response as I turned away.

Noctis pulled me in for a hug.

"Hehe, I love you too, Y/N." Noctis whispered near my ear.

I kimda shivered, but it was just Noctis, not some.. Perverted old drunk dude that I dont even know, so I put my hamd on his face and pushed him away from me.

"G'ahh.. Get away.. Personal space, ever heard of it..?" I asked.

"Of course, your highness!" Noctis answered.

Gladio and Prompto gasped, as Ignis only said a letter.


I was puzzled.. Until I got the message. Noctis seemed to know it clicked in my head, so he scooped me up and ran away from the group..

Yep, he did that.

Fudging idiot.. No, just kidding. I love you too much, Noct.

And then Gladio ran.

And then Prompto ran.

And then Ignis walked..

..With Gladio..

..And Prompto..

And then I heard Noctis snickering.

"Hey, um.. What's so funny..?"

"Where I'm taking you, those guys are gonna take FOREVER to find..!" He huffed.

I rolled my eyes as I let myself be carried.

"Wow..! Its so pretty.. And Beautiful..!" I breathed out.

"Hehe! I thought you might like it."


It was a glittering night sky, with a view of the ocean.

To be honest, I felt like we were near, around, or at Qaldin Quay.

When I returned with Noctis back to the castle of Lucis, we were swarmed with the usual aristocratic lunatics. I mean, not ALL of them were bad, but the majority of them kinda were.

Hehe, sorry not sorry.

"King Noctis!" One female from the choking crowd yelled.

"... IT'S PRINCE NOCTIS, TO YOU. Only Y/N can call me 'King Noctis'.. hmph." He pouted, as he led me out the crowd and to our friends.

It was nice to know that there will be certain things that'll never change about him, you know? And I love him for that.

"Noct! Where did you take Y/N..?" Ignis asked.

"Yeah!! And what did you guys.. do..?"

Noct couldnt answer. Instead, he ran down the halways to his room, while yelling,



He locked the door, and sighed.

"It really is hectic, isnt it?"


"Soo... Y/N.."

I looked up.


"...Marry me?"

I internally facepalmed myself. Oh. How nice. You boyfriend legit disappears for like, two weeks, suddenly shows up, crystallizing, then takes you stargazing, and then asks you to marry him.

Not really how I planned it.. But I'm glad he asked me first..!

I put a smile on my face as I answered him..

"Of course, darling.. Or should I say.. King Noctis..?"

He laughed.

"Thank you so much, Y/N!!"

He hugged me.

"Finally.. We're all reunited.." He sighed.

Yes.. That was what happened.

We all were..



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