Chapter 15: Triple Fatal Company

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Author's Note
Story not mine.
Pictures not mine.
Only the translation is mine.

Sorry in advance for the grammar as it was translated with the use of google mtl.


Just as Meizi Makeup held the board of directors, the interview with Zhang Wei continued. Looking at Zhang Wei with an innocent expression, Nuo Lan couldn't help but rattle his fist, I really wanted him to try the big casserole fist.

"So, you actually have a 10% shares in Meizi Makeup now?"

When asked this sentence, Nuo Lan felt that his teeth were moving stupidly.

"It seems so, I am not happy to ask the specifics."

Nuo Lan's urge to hit people is even stronger!

"Then do you know how big the beauty makeup is?"

"Scale? " Zhang Wei couldn't help but think back.

"This seems to have been mentioned by some people, probably about a few hundred millions."

Nuolan: 'So if you are really recruited, you will have to pay a tens of millions of damages first.'

"It doesn't matter, you still help me to ask the other company if they really want to hire me."

Nuo Lan: 'I really want to kill this bastard, I can't help it.'

Barrage: "I believe in your evil!"

"They might be able to work it out."

After enduring for a long time, Nuo Lan finally xaml down and did not punch his fist on Zhang Wei's face.

"They can't? Why not?" Zhang Weiwen asked immediately with a face of grievance.

Nuolan: 'Why not? You haven't counted tens of millions of liquidated damages in your heart. Do you print money as a company?

"Because they can't pay the liquidated damages."

The barrage: "Hearted, host."

"Seeking the psychological shadow area of ​​Huanyu."

"Distressed Universe for one second."

"World, hold on"

Zhang Wei: "Is it so poor that the company can't afford the liquidated damages. But it doesn't matter, I can pay the liquidated damages myself, as long as it allows me to go to work, and I don't expect to be paid anyway."

Barrage: "Is it so poor"

"You can pay the liquidated damages yourself"

"I didn't expect to be paid"

"Thriple Kill!!! "

"Your friend Oneworld has fallen to the ground."

Huanyu company: "So desperate"

Just when Zhang Wei wanted to make persistent efforts to persuade Huanyu to recruit him into the company, his phone rang suddenly.

After casually glancing at the caller ID, Zhang Wei suddenly stiffened. The call was actually Zhang Yingxue.

Why did Zhang Wei suddenly feel flustered. After hesitating, he finally connected the phone. Suddenly there was a cold voice into the bone marrow over the phone.

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