Chapter 5.99 - I swear this chapter's over

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Me? Finishing a chapter in 3 parts in 11 months? Basically, I'm just rly sorry.

Marvin smacked Charlotte's shoulder. "Look who's here. Say hello," he instructed.

"Hello," Charlotte grumbled, never looking away from the game.

"Hi~" her partner waved to me, smile competing with the sun.

Marvin then mumbled something that I swear sounded like something something "donut". So, getting Marvin to say something cute and gay? Check.

I took my place next to Charlotte. I guessed it had chosen her to be my protector. Not that I needed one. It also put her and Cordelia between Marvin and me, so he couldn't hear what I had to say next.

"Is he" I kept my voice low, but loud enough to be heard of the cracking of the ball against the bat. It was the other team, I noted.

"Oh very much."

"100 percent."

Not that I was worried about it. What would I have to be worried about?

A shrill voice interrupted my thoughts saying, "Jason's on deck!" Trina cheered, barely disguising how tired she was. 

"He sure is...swinging the bat," Mendel added. I followed his gaze to a very nervous Jason, who's grip on the bat was pitiful. It's no wonder his team hadn't won yet and he needed my help. After all, what's your dad's gay ex-lover even for?

I hopped off the bench and made my way to Jason. The moment he saw me, his entire face lit up. God, I did miss hanging out with him, if nothing else.

"Whizzer! You made it," he let the end of the bat rest in front of him.

"I wouldn't miss it," I smiled back.

"Well, I didn't know because-"

"Not for the world. May I?" I reached my hand out to grab the bat, which Jason desperately handed to me like he was just waiting for the chance to get rid of it.

I adjusted the grip in my hands, trying to find a balance for the weight. And I spoke, "okay, you need to keep your head in the box. Don't think of a thing. Especially not Mendel. He has no idea what he's talking about."

And Jason laughed. A child's laugh that makes you think that, hey, maybe you're doing something right. I handed the bat back and watched as Jason replicated the movements as best he could. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was loads better than before. So my job? Done.

I made my way back to the bleachers, hearing Mendel cheer like his life depended on it. I decided not to break it to him that Jason's team wasn't up yet.

As the teams switched roles and Mendel received a very dirty look from his wife, I found my attention being drawn across the stands to Marvin. His knee was bouncing anxiously.

I didn't even register when Jason stepped up to the plate, or when the pitcher threw the ball, or even when the crack of the bat and the ball soared over all of the players. It was only when Marvin's eyes met mine when I finally registered that time was indeed still moving.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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