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7 months and 1 global pandemic later...

Hey!! This is crazy! I went to check on my Wattpad account after 7 months of inactivity to find out that this story has almoST 1.5k reads?? which is insane!! that's such a large number to me, and it's hard for me to wrap my head around. so! to celebrate me not dying from a virus and having more reads than I thought possible, I've got a few things to say.

First of all, thank you! 

Second of all, I know these update things are annoying as hell I'm sorry.

Third of all, you guys are the funniest people I've ever met. Just reading some of the comments you guys left made my day. Like, damn, who LET you get that hilarious? and on mY story.

And lastly! I'm wondering how many of you are still interested in this story, especially since it's been a long time. If like 2-3 of you want me to continue it, I'd be happy to. I tend to have a lot of time on my hands. I'm not going to promise an update every week because school's starting soon, but I will update if you want.

Have a nice day!


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