Chapter 5.25 - Hit the Ball!

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I be breaking more promises. I'm really sorry, but one of my plays that I'm in is a complete disaster and opening night is this friday so that has most of my attention right now. This chapter is now in three parts, because I'm a mess. Again, I'm so sorry for all of this. Hopefully after this week all will be chill.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Trina hiss at me. I knew that if I was making her mad, I was doing something right. I put my hands on my hips, just like I practiced in the mirror so many times.

"Well, Jason asked me to come, and since he asked me to come I came," I looked out at the five of them sitting on the bleachers. Trina looked like she was going to shatter Mendel's hand, and Mendel looked like he was trying not to scream.

The lesbians didn't seem particularly excited for my entrance, they seemed plenty interested in the game. They clutched onto each other, leaning in as if that gave the players a better chance at winning.

And Marvin, of course, was trying to pretend that he wasn't staring at me when he so clearly was. Step two: almost done.

"Just what I wanted at a Little League game. My ex-husband's ex-lover!" Trina's grip on Mendel's hand must've tightened, because he let out a yelp. "Isn't that what every mother dreams about having at a Little League game?"

Trina looked at Mendel, waiting for her husband to back her up. But he didn't. He, instead, smiled at me.

It hit me just how much Mendel deserved the Tight-Knit-Family he got. He was a nice guy who just wanted everyone to get along.

The Lesbians couldn't take their attention away from the game. Before I could give a snarky response to Trina, they both jumped up.

"That kid was out!" Cordelia shouted.

"That kid was safe!" Charlotte argued.

"That kid was out!"

"That kid was safe!"

"That kid was out!"

"That kid was safe! Baby his foot was on the base-"

I cleared my throat, and everyone shushed them. Other people watching the game were now staring.

"Hey!" I yelled, getting the 'perfect family's' attention. I understood why Jason wanted me to come. This was a disaster. "I love baseball. I love Jason. That's what I'm doing he-"


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