Your Favorite TV to Watch Together

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Luther: You both really love The Office. Whenever you can, he'll make a bowl of popcorn, and you two will rewatch your favorite episodes.

Diego: While Riverdale is not the greatest show, it's your favorite to watch together. You both love to mock the unrealistic parts, and Diego loves the mystery aspect of it. Diego actually gets really into, and bought a Serpent jacket online.

Allison: You love watching Say Yes To The Dress together. You like seeing the beautiful dresses, the romantic aspect, and the drama. You both agree it's definitely the best reality TV show.

Klaus: You started watching Grey's Anatomy one night when neither of you could sleep. Now you watch to make fun of the bad writing, and to talk about which characters are the hottest.

Five: Five isn't really into TV, but he does enjoy  nature documentaries. They're the perfect way to relax, and sometimes Five needs a reminder that the world hasn't ended.

Ben: Parks and Recreation has always been the top show for both of you. It never fails to make you laugh, and you always tease him about the Ben on the show.

Vanya: You both really like Modern Family. Both of you agree that comedies are the best, and the idea of a big happy family is something you both enjoy.

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