Pillow Fort

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[so I wanted to write but also like what to I write so this is probably just going to be dumb]

Doctor POV

I'm not sure what time it is, but it's dark in the Tardis. Yaz is next to me, surrounded by - one, two, three... - six pillows. Actually, that's an idea. Boom, idea just like that, I'm a genius. Pillow fort!

First up, planning. Recently I built a head torch that doubles as night vision, so I put that on in order to find paper. I sketch out a large building - designed to be made out of pillows. Yaz is still sleeping, and I tiptoe back over to the bed to see if I can move it easily (I need the room for building the fort). Bad idea, theres a stray pencil on the floor - causing me to slip and come tumbling down on top of Yaz.

'Doctor?! What the hell? Are you okay?' She breaks off and starts laughing. 'I was asleep!'

'Ha-ha, I need your help.' She looks serious, so I continue. 'These are the plans for a pillow Fort. I- Why are you laughing? This is serious.'

'Yeah, of course, I love you, carry on.' I give her a stern look, but continue explaining what we need to do.

'So, if I ask very nicely, the Tardis might expand the room for it to fit.' I rest a hand on the door frame. 'And then, we will place all the pillows we find in this room, and build.'

'Doctor, I understand you're very focused on this, but can we at least turn the lights on first?' As Yaz says this, the lights turn on - something that has never happened before.

'You're head over heels in love with her!' I say quietly to the Tardis. 'Be quiet!'


'Sorry, someone-' To accentuate my point, I speak louder as I say "someone". '-is a love sick fool!'

She kisses me on the cheek before taking the plans from my hands. 'I want a throne in this room, but that's my only term on helping you. Let's go!'


About an hour or so after, we have what is deemed enough pillows by "her majesty the Doctor'.

'Great! Now for... construction. Ah. Well. We may need a crane, or at least a ladder.' I can tell she's deadly serious, but still can't help but laugh.

'You are ridiculous. But there's a ladder down the hallway.' The Doctor pulls a face that says "I know", and fetches it.

'Now we can build!' I kiss her on the cheek, and she blushes before carrying on. 'Yaz, there's brick pillows. Not actual brick pillows but they're for the walls. Brick pillows actually exist. Uncomfortable, because they're full of bricks, but I'll tell you another time. Interesting civilisation though, I could take you there - with our own pillows that would be good.'

'These pillows?' I've learned to just let the Doctor ramble, cutting her off just makes it worse. 'Yeah, I don't fancy brick pillows.'

Doctor POV

'Time check?' Yaz checks her watch, and tells me it's been an hour since we started. Our work is paying off, and the first floor is completed - with a larger room towards the back for Yaz's throne.

'Ah, perfect!' She relaxes onto it, and laughs a little bit. 'Is this what I gave up when I refused marriage in - what was it - the Nine Stars? Maybe I'll take the king up on his offer.'

'Yaz!' I pull a face of mock betrayal.

'I'm just saying! Marry rich and kill my husband! That's a joke don't worry Doc.' Yaz waves a hand towards me, and like a royal servant I approach her. 'Now, as royalty, I now pronounce you Queen Doctor! Or King, you know, whatever.'

I pull myself up to the space she's made beside her and admire our work. 'I wonder what Graham is going to say when he comes back. Probably, "make me a sandwich!". He's always so hungry, it's crazy.'

'Well, saving the universe is hungry work-' I've gotten overexcited, and Yaz is slowly pulling me back onto the throne (to avoid me falling on the floor in a monologue). '-And we are always running! Always, towards danger then away from danger.'

'He isn't the one saving the universe! And okay, yes, we do a lot of running but-' She cuts me off.

'I wouldn't change it for the world, Doc.' Yaz smiles, and just for a moment I relax - before jumping right back into action with the second floor.

About two hours later, the base is fully constructed. Yaz is sat on the throne sleeping (I woke her up too early) while I wander around making sure the bedroom is perfect. There's no bathroom, because Yaz told me that it wouldn't be good for the structure - even though I could totally sort it out, I decided not to. What next? Door? No, we've got a door. Space travel? Maybe it would be too conspicuous to carry a pillow castle around everywhere we go.

I know! Cinema! What do we need? Screen, projector, more blankets. Popcorn. Movie of course, but I'll do that after. So I need to find a screen - or at least something to project on to. Scowling as I realise that Yaz knows more than me (thanks to the Tardis having a soft spot for her), but not daring to wake her again, I start wandering.

'Tardis? Can you help me out here? How come Yaz gets to know everything when it's my home - or at least I've lived her longer. That's not fair!' She wobbles the corridor I'm in for a second, but a door softly unlocks. I go in, only to find a large screen and blankets. Great! 'I'm going to need to get back with these... I'm not saying move the corridor I'm in! Just like, move the room with the trolleys in nearby.'

After a lot of struggling and bickering with my ship, the screen is set up in front of a few chairs and blankets. Yaz isn't awake yet. Seriously, what time is it? I should probably wake her up right? Wait, popcorn was also on the list - we need more than popcorn! Oh well, may as well commit to the whole experience. Where did I put the planning paper?


I can hear something whirring. Where am I? Oh. On the throne still, but the entire structure is shaking. Oh no. Hopping off of the large seat down to the bouncy floor, I hear the... Disney opening playing? If that's why the fort is shaking I'll sue the doctor for disrupting my sleep.

'Yaz! Yazzie, look at this! It's a movie room, snacks come round on this conveyor-' She clicks a button, and the whirring begins again; this time showing me popcorn, sweets, and sandwiches. '-and there's a big speaker!'

The Disney intro continues, the sheer volume hurting my head. 'Doctor, can you- Doctor! Please, turn it down or pause it. It's brilliant, really, but don't you think we can turn it down a little?'

'Fair enough, but have you considered... this?' Tackling me to the floor, I laugh as she play fights me. 'Yaz, I'll turn it down as long as you actually watch and don't just fall asleep. You do it every time, even Sonja agrees!'

'Not every time! Besides it's only, what, 8AM?'

I look over at the Doctor to see her laughing and muttering the words Tardis time. She plays the movie - proving somewhat of a hypocrite as we are both asleep on the soft floor by the end of the movie.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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