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[aha yet another quarantine story, probably going to be kind of short :/. Also if the writings a bit weird it's because I'm writing on my (drawing) tablet, I dropped my phone in a stream. Suggested by scr0nch thanks :D. Sorry this took so long I got distracted by dodie and started crying]


Me and my girlfriend have been dating for a few months, and, since quarantine started, she had been staying with my family for a while now. The Doctor was always worried that she didn't do enough for my family, and that she was imposing - even if I tell her otherwise. She's constantly asking what she can do to help, from doing the dishes to building an 'awesome teleport thing'. The last one nearly teleported us onto the sun, but we didn't say anything about that.

It's 7:19 now. She's not up yet, she's braiding my hair while humming. I smile, it's so peaceful.

'Yazzie? Are-are you awake?' I hum in response, and she continues, waving her hands around in the air. 'Your kitchen. It's faulty!'

I laugh nervously. 'I beg your pardon?'

'Then beg. I'm joking, it's a-a thing on the internet.'

'I'm aware, now what did you mean my "kitchen is faulty"? You can just say that and not explain.' Her hands are flailing around again, which is distracting me, so I hold them. The doctor looks at me, so I lay a small kiss on her hand to tell her to continue.

'Ah, well you see. I woke up at four, because I was hungry. You know, I used to be confused by people who get hungry in their sleep but now I get it. Anyway. So I was hungry, and I went out to the kitchen - I wanted to cook eggs for you and me, so I couldn't use my snack cupboard - and the kitchen was empty! Nothing. I don't know where all the food is but I've narrowed it down to three million life forms that could be responsible-'

'Doc, my dear, it's entirely possible that we have just run out of food with you being an absolute food hoover all the time.' I tickle her stomach a bit, and she wriggles in response; placing a kiss on my nose.

'Oh. When do I get the food back?'

'You're like, older than christianity -'

'Don't remind me.'

'-have you never been shopping before?' She tilts her head a bit, smiling.

'I'm older than christianity, you know, I don't exactly remember everything.' I tut playfully at her.

'Okay, we've got a few hours, I'll go to the shops then,' I pause and get out a pack of custard creams, smiling conspiratorially. 'You can sit tight and eat these.' I get up out of bed, kissing her on the nose.



'I love you. Also can I come later?'

'Maybe. It's boring though.' At this, the doctor shrugs and goes back to eating the biscuits messily. 'Oi! I have to sleep there later! You've got crumbs everywhere!' She picks up the crumbs and puts them in her mouth, making me laugh.

'There! Sorted.'


I'm sat in front of a mirror, putting on a bit of makeup when the doctor walks in and drapes her arms over my shoulders dramatically.

'Can I still come to the shops?' I nod, applying a light pink lipstick. 'You're very pretty.'

She's looking at me in the mirror, looking hypnotised. 'And you're too cute.'

I kiss her on the cheek. 'Now, are you sure you want to come? It's honestly boring as hell and, well, it doesn't seem like the type of thing you'd want to do.'

'I do. Need to learn the boring human stuff anyway. Are you done?'

'No, some of us don't wake up with clear skin like yours. Anyway, can you get my keys? I'm going to drive us -' I'm ready for the next question. '-no you cannot drive us, I love you but personal safety does have to come first. You don't even have a license, anyway, you'd be breaking the law. Come on.'

I start driving, and about halfway through I realise she's staring at me. 'Doc? What'cha thinking about?'

I take her hand in mine (we've reached a stop) and she seems to snap back to reality. 'You're shining?'

'Doctor if that's a twilight reference I am going to slap you.'

'Wait no! It's like... your cheeks and nose. Anyway, you're beautiful.' I smile, and keep our fingers intertwined as I drive the car with one hand. Soon enough, we park.

'Hey are you sure? It's an awful lot of queuing.'

'I'll be fine! Don't worry so much!

She was not fine. It started with an awful long wait to get in. Two metres apart, as standard. This killed her, as it took a good 20 minutes to get in the shop.

We had been waiting for about 5 minutes and had barely moved when she started talking.

'Yazzie! How long now?' I rolled my eyes, and went slightly red as I saw people giving us daggers. 'Yaz? Oh...'

The Doctor had spotted them too. 'It's okay dear, it'll be a few minutes. You can sit in the car? I'll be fine waiting.'

'Er- no, thanks.' My eyes followed her gaze to see a couple of 'rough and tough' guys staring at our hands, which were obviously linked together. She tilted her head (going for threatening, but she seemed more like a confused puppy). Clearly not the only one seeing this, the men laughed a bit. 'I was going for threatening. I hate being short.'

I smile a bit, but I'm still worried. 'Idiots. Hey, you wasted time with your staring competition! We're going to go in now, doctor. Okay?'

She nods a little bit, and I guide her towards the doors. 'Mask on, doc.'

We walked around for a bit, checking things off the list. The Doctor let out a large sigh. 'Ugh. This is boring!'

'Hey, I warned you! Come on, you can drive the trolley.' She takes it graciously, straining a little bit when she realises how heavy it is.

'Yaz how do you do this? It's super heavy!'

We shop around for another thirty minutes, me laughing everytime she lets out an over-the-top sigh. We make it home through the Sheffield traffic just two hours after - we had made a stop at McDonald's, as the Doctor didnt actually eat anything in the morning other than custard creams ("I was wondering if you wanted anything and it felt rude to eat with out you").

We parked with our chips on a hill. It was peaceful.

[hey!!! sorry if this wasnt what you wanted exactly, I got a bit sidetracked-- anyway again, if you have any suggestions/thoughts, I'd be happy to hear!!! again, sorry it took so long, i ended up listening to my spotify playlist while doing it (calls me gay in about 500 different ways) and ended up with this]

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