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[Hey guys!!! sorry I haven't written in a while,,, I'm hoping this is okay. happy whatever day it is! have a great day/night]


'Doctor! Where are we?' I call, watching her grin conspiratorially. The Doctor is skipping out of the control room now.

'Follow me, Yasmin!' She takes my hand and drags me into a large, warehouse-like room. 'The wardrobe! You can wear whatever. Maybe not whatever, some won't fit. Like this! Made for Zygons in their natural form. Odd, can't remember making this. Anyway, something that screams "dancing". Might even be some history to learn there! Sorry, I'll go now. Be quick!'

I laugh slightly and shake my head, still wondering where we are. The Doctor walks away happily, heading towards an area marked 'Suits' in bold handwriting. Clearly in her own world, I turn and decide to pick my outfit. Immediately I'm drawn to an ethereal trailing dress, but shake my head - it's nice, but would definitely seem odd. I decide to sneak a glance over at the Doctor for an idea of what to wear. No help, she's reading tags.

'Doctor! What am I supposed to wear? I need something more than just dancing.' She shrugs and pulls a face, scrunching up her nose and giving a little - apologetic - smile. 'Honestly! I get the whole mysterious traveller thing but can't you give me a few clues?'

I find a blue dress, with white polka dots on. It's nice enough, but nothing that would suggest I'm going out of my way to impress the Doctor, so I decide to try it on.

'Doctor! Is this-' She pops her head up over several rails of clothes, providing quite a comical sight as her hands are covering her eyes.

'No! Don't show me, I want it to be a surprise! Besides, I know you look amazing anyway.' I'm glad her eyes are covered, because I'm flushing red at the last comment. Somehow, the Doctor saying that made me feel less self conscious, so I decide to keep the dress on. 'Are you almost ready Yaz? I've got my clothes on, just lost the trick of the bow tie, I'll meet you at the Tardis doors! Don't open them, though.'

I wonder what's so surprising as I wait at the doors, smiling as I see her come in in a suit and bow tie. 'Got the tie sorted, then? Doctor?'

She's staring at me, smiling - making me go an embarrassing colour. Suddenly, she seems to snap back to reality and rushes over to the door. 'Oh yeah! Bit basic but... the moon! 1979, ten years after the moon landing, quite a few years before the hatching- nevermind. Anyway! This is going to be an alien-free, apart from me of course, night. No disturbances, just us and some music and some dinner.'

The Doctor is hopping around now, pulling chairs out of the Tardis onto the surface of the moon. She explains that as long as you don't go too far away from her "good old ship" (her words, not mine) then you'll be safe. I wonder what it would be like to just float away - something the Doctor clearly picks up on as she mutters a little "not pleasant" just loud enough for me to hear.

'You mentioned food?' The Doctor directs me towards a chair, which she pulls out. 'Thank you very much.'

'M'lady, if I can interest you in pizza?' I laugh at her fake-posh accent, especially when she says pizza. 'Hey! This is the height of luxury right here. Nowhere else could you get this kind of service my dear.'

I giggle some more as the Doctor sits down with the pizza in hand - and sonic screwdriver in the other. 'Oh no!' I laugh into my drink as she "sonics" a radio on.

'Height of luxury. Cutlery?' I shake my head and start eating the pizza. 'Pizza is courtesy of the Tardis.'

'That's to be expected, you can't cook.' We've still got fake accents on.

'Not true! I made you cookies once.'

'Uh, you set the kitchen on fire. How did you even do that?' She shrugs and I snort into my glass. A comfortable silence falls as we share the pizza. 'It's cool, really. The Earth is right there, like I can touch it, but I can't. Do you want the last slice?'

We finish the pizza quickly, and I watch as the Doctor clears away our plate into the Tardis. With a time window, I begin to wonder what my relationship with the Doctor is. Are we dating? Surely this can't be friendship, she is going to such great lengths of dropping off Ryan and Graham just so we can sit on the moon and eat. Maybe I'm being narcissistic, and this is just the Doctor's Friday night and I'm just another girl on her long list. Some part of me doesn't believe that, but the problem with the Doctor is that she is so unique. I suppose it's part of her charm, but with no friendship to compare it to, I'm not sure how to define our relationship.

'Ya-a-az? Do you want chocolate brownie for dessert?' She says "dessert" in what I must imagine italic font sounds like. 'If you don't that's okay. I can go put these back.'

She holding two plates with chocolate brownies on, so I quickly guide the dishes to the table. 'Its perfect, Doctor. My favourite!'

At that, the Doctor grins and relaxes a little bit, but doesn't take her eyes off of me while I eat. 'Do-do you like it? Its homemade you see, I've been practicing. The Tardis wasn't very happy about that, but we know the fire alarms work anyway!'

If I'm being honest it still needs more practice, but she looks so hopeful. 'No way is this homemade! You got the Tardis to make this, for sure.' The Tardis grumbles in a "don't blame this one on me" sort of way.

'Thank you! I was honestly sceptical.' I finish eating pretty quick, and relax while she carries on - listening to the music wash over me. Pretty soon though, I can feel the Doctor's eyes on me, and an inner conflict is sparked - do I open my eyes and ask what she's staring at, or do I continue to bask in her attention.

'What are you looking at?' She panics - as if she's been caught red handed doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing - but soon collected herself.

'Do you want to dance? I mean, you can say no-' I nod and take her hand before she can continue. The Doctor pulls her sonic out from her pocket and Sonics a song on - Fly Me To the Moon. I shake my head. 'What? Too cliche?'

'It's perfect, all of this is. Thank you.' I allow my head to drop down on her shoulder, and she sighs. 'Doctor?' She hums a little. 'What is all this? What are we?'

'I'm not sure. I just want to enjoy what's happening.' As annoying as it is not having a real answer, I know that it's probably better this way, so I relax and continue swaying and stepping slowly with the music.

[Hello everyone!!!! I'm not too sure about this, but here you go? Any requests welcome,,, hope you have good days!]

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