81: Paradise Perspectives

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Izzy slowly handed Menace a red rubber ball.

"Ball." Izzy said slowly.

"Bamboo." Menace smiled.

"So close, sweetie. Ball." she said passing it back.

"Bamboo." she yipped, passing it back and clapping.

"Menace, just listen really carefully. Baaaaaall" she replied with a smile, drawing it out as she tossed her the ball.

"Bambooooooooo" Menace said, handing her the ball. Marley strolled past them to the mess hall food printer for some breakfast.

"How's the new material?" he asked.

"Well she's reading it, I don't know how much she's absorbing. She still doesn't seem to connect the words to the meaning. But after only 2 weeks of using the most successful teaching programs in the universe...she now sometimes says prepositional phrases.

"Fireman, the the infinity!" Menace smiled.

"So we're calling that an improvement?" he asked, sipping his coffee.

"It's a step in the right direction." Izzy shrugged.

"Sometimes beef." Menace shrugged, getting up and strolling around. Malone staggered into the room, looking half past-hungover.

"Blue Stag energy drink, large. 2 eggs over easy, dry toast." he yawned into the machine as it printed his breakfast. He staggered to the table as Menace approached with her tray and stood in front of the printer.

"Sandal, applesauce...rubberchicken." she ordered. The machine hummed and printed the request as instructed. She looked very disappointed, taking her tray and slouching at her breakfast. She casually flicked the rubber chicken off the tray with a slight "bock" as it landed. She sat down, placing her cheek on her left fist as she dipped the sandal in the applesauce and began eating.

"Sweetie, you don't have to eat that." Izzy said pulling it away.

"Eat up men...and women." Lawg said strutting into the mess hall like he owned the place, which he technically did. "We have a mission." he added, bringing up the holographic display screen as they finished breakfast.

"Nother supply run?" asked Izzy.

"No...unless they reward us with supplies, then yes, but only afterwards, but beforewards of that, the real mission. I present to you, Fumagon Alpha."

"Doesn't appear on any database." Marley said, scrolling the wiki.

"That's because I just named it. This is an uncharted planet, only known to the natives and us, the discoverer. And like Christophe Plumbus of Earth back in 1942, we can claim, it if the natives don't speak English or Spanish. Legally!"

"Looks like they speak Spanish." Marley said bringing up the coms.

"Damnit, oh well. The distress beacon crapped out decades ago, and we found it by running into it earlier this morning. Scared the shit out of me, brought it onboard with the magneto beam, and didn't even need any of you guys. This ship has everything. Anyway it was so old it barely worked at all, but I downloaded it and the message was simple. They wanted help. Their planet was attacked by aliens and left in ruins, followed by the climate catastrophe of the alien weapons, rendering their planet uninhabitable. So expect some nasty carbonic acid clouds and liquid rust rivers, I'm talking EVA suits and."

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