Start from the beginning


          Diego's eyes widened and he shot out of his seat in a panic, repeatedly hitting the glass in hopes of catching either one's attention. "Hey!" He shouted.

Patch started turning her head but stopped at the feeling of Lucifer's gentle touch on her arm as she gave her a soft smile, bringing her back to their conversation. Diego glared at the redhead as he carefully watched the scene play out in front of his eyes, wondering what the she-devil was up to now. He was afraid of the outcome of this, after all her intentions were rarely ever in the right place.

          "Why are you looking at me like that?"

          Diego's body jumped at the sudden voice coming from inside of the car, his eyes landing on a smiley Lucifer that now sat besides him. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he quickly looked back at the widow and saw her outside still talking to Patch.

          "You like?" Lucifer's voice broke his thoughts. "It's new. It came in a few weeks ago, still practicing. But it seems promising." She was talking about her powers. She was talking to him like they were friends. But they weren't friends, they weren't anything.

Diego's jaw clenched, "What do you want with her?"

          But as usual, Lucifer ignored questions. "You care about her." She gestured over to the woman outside, "I didn't know she meant something to you. If I had known, I wouldn't have—"

          "Bullshit." He seethed in anger.

          Lucifer eyes narrowed at the way he spoke to her, she understood his anger but she meant what she said. The girl didn't know about the two of them up until a few days ago when another detective mentioned someone who failed police academy, someone who Patch was seeing. She followed it up and she knew then that she was fucked.

"I'll ask again, what do you want with her?"

"She's my friend." She softly spoke.

"You betray your friends." He retorted, "Besides you just met her, you don't care about her."

Lucifer ignored the way her heart hurt when he said that. "You know it's nice that you still think of me."

          "I don't." Diego scoffed and shook his head in disbelief, looking anywhere but at her, "I haven't thought about you once since the day you've left. Not anymore."

          "Now we both know that's a lie." Lucifer told him, "How do you think I got inside your head?" She tilted her head, her dark red lips curving into a sly smirk. She was bluffing of course, it didn't work that way. She just said that to get under his skin and when it came to his reddening ears, something told her she isn't the only one that's lying. She wasn't physically here with him, she was just in his mind.  "I won't hurt her." She promised, leaning in closer to whisper something in his ear sending shivers down his back, "But don't push me."

Before Diego could say anything else, Lucifer had disappeared in a blink of an eye. And he turned his attention back outside to see her standing alone now, giving him a small wave before following Patch inside the shop.


          The very next day, Zero found Five brooding in his old bedroom alone as he stared outside his window. She thought now was a good time to talk than never. But before she could even open her mouth, he beat her to it. "Vanya was just here." He turned around to face her, "You missed her, but you can probably still catch up with her."

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