Start from the beginning

          And that night she was punished greatly for it, for letting affection get in the way of orders.

          He knew how much Zero was afraid of the dark. He knew how weak she got in a room all alone with no one but the voices in her head to turn to comfort. He cornered her, he managed to break her into submission. Her own thoughts and opinions were no longer her own. He owns her now. She ran away for freedom and she ended up here.

          But this was no paradise.

          And the chamber was a reminder of that.

He told her it was built for something a lot stronger than her. He told her she can scream all she wanted and no one will hear a thing. No one was coming to 'rescue' her until she learned her place in this family.

He filled her head with lies. He made it sound like she wanted Five gone. But she only wanted him to be free.

"How can it be out of love when you don't even know what love is? How can you sit there and claim you know such a thing?"

She cried and begged for him to stop, to take it easy on her, — He didn't.

Then he brought up her biological mother. And that wasn't something that Zero could just bite back on.. "That's not true!" She argued, "My mother loved me."

"And look where that got her."

Zero couldn't get angry at that. Because he was right. And Five was another person that fell for that. Who was next? Diego? Vanya? Klaus? No, it can't be. She won't let that happen.

She loved once. But love is for children. And she will never love again.


Yet there he stood or wandered around the kitchen, focused on making himself a sandwich. "What is the date? The exact date?"

Lucifer was seated in between Vanya and Allison, who stood behind her. Her eyes were following Five's every moment, almost like she waiting on him to disappear again. Her face remained blank, but her mind was screaming. "GUILTY, YOU'RE GUILTY," It taunted her. And they were laughing at her.

          "The twenty-forth." Vanya answered his question.

          "Of what?"

          Lucifer spoke this time, "March." Five's eyes finally met Zero's. She held her breath and in that moment she felt scared, scared of being rejected. It was also one of the first times in a long time that she found it difficult to read someone, almost like he was closed off from anything that made him feel human. C'mon.. get angry at me, yell at me, say something.. anything, Zero pleaded. She wanted a reaction out of him, he knows what she did, but instead the girl received nothing in return.

          "Good." Is all he said of that.

          Zero released a sigh and leaned back into her chair, she was disappointed. Maybe he realized she wasn't worth his time and energy anymore. But she damn well deserved it.

"So....." Luther trailed off, glancing around the group that turned over to him, everyone silently wondering the same thing he was. "Are we going to talk about what happened?" The room fell quiet as Five continued to make his sandwich. He suddenly stood up from his chair, "It's been seventeen years."

          Lucifer rolled her eyes at this. "I'm sure he's aware of that." She mumbled under her breath.

          Five chuckled in a sarcastic manner. "It's been a lot longer than that." He moved to stand in front of Luther, glancing up to the taller man before he made a jump, reappearing across the room, pulling a jar of peanut butter from one of the cabinets.

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