Ch. 7 - Tension

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    You and Hux were at the bar for about 3 minutes before someone joined you. An other man that you didn't recognize. When he started talking to your boyfriend you realized that maybe he might've been an associate, perhaps even a trooper. You weren't sure. But when the man asked Hux if they could talk in private, your boyfriend instantly obliged.

    "I'll be back. Stay put." Hux told you, kissing your temple before walking away with the man who had requested him.

    And then it was just you. Sitting alone at the bar.

    You twirled your champagne glass in your fingers by the stem, watching how the liquid bubbled and fizzed. Your heel tapped against the stool underneath you. After a moment you let out a sigh and lifted the glass to your lips, emptying it in your mouth. If you were going to sit alone you might as well be buzzed.

    As soon as you were finished with your drink, you felt a presence next to you, "An other glass of champagne or do you need something stronger?" Was the voice that addressed you. You looked to your side, raising an eyebrow.

    You recognized him, it was your friend Jessica's boyfriend, Vicrul. He was one of the Knights of Ren. You had never spoken to him individually before but you had been in the same vicinity with him enough times to feel comfortable talking with him.

    You couldn't help but laugh a little. "I should pace myself." You told him, then a beat of knowing silence, "I'll take an other champagne." You decided.

    He nodded in agreement with you. "No shots?" He asked, tempting you.

    You shook your head quickly, holding back the shudder that you wanted to release as you thought about taking shots of liquor after how much you had drank the night before. "I'm good."

    Vicrul laughed, "Fair enough." Then, getting the attention of the bartender, he ordered himself a drink along with a glass of champagne for you.

    "Did someone say shots? Are we doing shots?" You heard a voice ask to your other side. You looked over and saw the it came from an other one of the Knights of Ren. Ushar. You'd never formally met him before. He settled in the stool on your left while Vicrul stood to your right, not sitting down yet.

    "No we aren't." Vicrul told him but the way his eyes were dancing let the other man know that he was willing to do them at any point in the night if he was convinced.

    The bartender slid the two of you the drinks that had been ordered and you thanked her.

    "You're Hux's girl." Ushar said to you, acknowledging who you were. He held his hand out and introduced himself.

    You told him your name and shook his hand, laughing a little at how drunk he already seemed. He wasn't sloppy at all but he was clearly having a good time. You were jealous.

    "I can see why Kylo's so protective over you." Ushar said with a smirk, looking you over.

    You felt your heart speed up at just the mention of his name. "What do you mean?" You asked, pretending to be confused but really you just wanted to hear more. Protective over you?

    Vicrul sent him a look. "It's nothing. He's drunk." He explained. He was obviously trying to change the subject. He knew better than to get on Kylo's bad side.    

    You wanted to press the subject but before you could question the tipsy man next to you, you felt two hands grip your shoulders. You froze, you weren't ready for any unexpected contact from anyone. You attempted to turn around to see who it belonged to but the voice that rang out answered your questions.

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