Ch.4 Part 2 of School

Começar do início

If I am correct those would be the King and Queen of the wolves. They were the only wolves who had pure white fur, thousands of years ago.

No other wolves have been white in color since the royals. The royal family died out. The thing that's weird is that not all the royal family had white pelts. Just the King and Queen. 

If you think about it their family story is really sad. They all died and their lineage didn't go on but only lasted a thousand years. They were practically hunted to extinction. I would not like to be one of them. Misfortune seems to follow them.

I hadn't realized that I was staring up at the murals not paying attention to my surroundings when someone bumped me in the shoulder with their strength. The impact sent me backwards a couple of feet and falling. 

I reach out to stop, but before I hit the cold hard ground, strong arms went underneath my armpits holding me up. Embarrassment flooded through me, as the way I am being held is like the position of doing trust exercises.

I groaned metaphorically in my head. How can something so clumsy of me happen on the first day of school. Only a split second happened when I fell. 

I stood up quickly saying a soft "sorry" before unwinding myself from my saviors' hands.

Lifting my head up, I look into gorgeous brown eyes with a tinge of redness to them. A handsome young man with straight black hair, and a perfectly chiseled face made from God stared quizzically down at me.

Saying sorry quieter, I turn around and in all the five humiliating seconds that it took to fall, I went to collect all of my schoolbooks that went flying on the ground. Then just as quickly I went to find my friends in the cafeteria. 

Not seeing the way my savior just stood puzzled looking after me in a daze. I walked silently not hearing the hushed voices and silent stares as I quickly made my way to the table. My face lit up as I sat next to my friends trying to hide the embarrassment so clearly seen.

 "Hey guys, how was your day so far?" I asked trying to sound like my embarrassing trust fall exercise with that student didn't even happen.

 Thankfully, my blonde hair cascaded down around my face so people wouldn't be able to see me blush in embarrassment.

Rosaleen piped up in a bubbly manner saying, "Oh! It has been everything I dreamed it to be and more." 

With her eyes shining like she's giving away a secret she said, "Did you see the bathroom there was like a whole lounge room with complimentary breath mints. I didn't realize how fancy this place is."

With eyebrows shooting practically up and off his face he said in surprise, "You guys have a lounge room and mints. For all the years I have been here, I didn't  even know about it. That's not fair!"

Lilac laughed so hard it sounded like a horse. "The look on your face was priceless!" 

Lilac went to high five Rosaleen and she smiled as she high fived her back.

Looking extremely confused Finn asked, "You don't have a lounge room and mints?"

If I am being honest I am really confused what's happening. The whole talk about mints make me really curious all of a sudden to see if what they are saying is true. Somehow, I don't believe it.

Looking innocent Lilac added, "I guess you'll never know!"

"Aww, come on I really want to know," Finn said.

I think I should step in before they have an argument. "Umm, do you think we could get our lunch?" 

Lilac turned to me all jokes aside, "Yeah sounds great. Lets go!"

Practically jumping out of her seat, she bounded towards the lunch line. Rosaleen cheerfully followed her saying something about not eating breakfast because of being nervous.

A warm arm rested on my shoulder. Looking up to see Finn's face smiling at me, I smiled back. Once we were in line, Finn dropped his arm from my shoulder so we could carry our trays.

Today's menu was steak with mashed potatoes and a side of fruit and veggies. Being me, I could eat a lot and not gain a pound. Probably because of my parent's wolf genes.

"Mmhh, it smells really good," Lilac said as her eyes sparkled. 

Lilac loves food. I don't think I have ever really seen her without some snack on hand.

Laughing, Finn exclaimed, "When have you ever said something smells bad."

Lilac smacked Finn's arm playfully replying, "You smell bad!"

Finn faked being hurt from her responded by raising his chin adamantly saying, "Hey, I don't. I just took a shower this morning."

I couldn't suppress my laughter as I smiled at their ridiculous quarreling. It would be a lot of trouble if those two ended up mated to each other.

After we dumped our trays, we went back to our school schedules. The rest of the day went by in a flash and the bell finally rang to send us home.

Smiling, I got out of my seat waiting for everyone to fill out before saying goodbye to my science teacher Mrs. Fassler for the AP Environmental Studies class. She said goodbye to me in her overall happy self.

When Mrs. Fassler took roll call, she was surprised to find out that I was the daughter of the Banks. She was apparently my mother's friend and instantly took a liking to me because my twin brothers were also her favorite students.

If I am being honest, I was very happy to know one person who doesn't dislike me because I am shift-less. Once I got to my locker, I neatly put my notebooks and folders away and put my books for history and APES in my backpack. 

I plan on bringing my homework home for those classes and will most likely try to read ahead so I can get the homework for it done faster. After Finn, Lilac and Rosaleen joined me at my locker we headed out to our Jeep. 

Once we got climbed in and sat in our assigned seats, Finn turned on the car and headed us back to our pack. Sighing I looked out the window. The forest blurring as we rode by. 

My delicate fingers pressed against the cold window, gazing out not knowing what the future will hold. But one thing I do know is that it will never be the same. When there is a school full of wolves' life will never be peaceful.

The School of WolvesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora