Chapter Five

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Author's note> this is the end of the rewrite. From here on out the chapters will be shorter. As I rewrite the book I'll be adding details, better descriptions, and more POVs.

     As I suspect after my lengthy breakdown in the shower, Mason's already driven back to the pack house.  It's not far, but still distant enough not to want to walk.  I decide to shift and run there.  My family line has tigers and some wolves, but I do have a great grandmother who's a bear.  Lately it seems popular to claim you have a bear somewhere back in the family, and mostly it's all urban legend. I do actually have one though.  After her mate died she moved back to her tribe's land in Oregon.  She lives there still.  Long lives remember.
I turn into my tiger, and grab the bag of my clothes.  There are trails all through the woods here from the pack's frequent runs.  I choose one that's headed in the right direction, and take off.  I get there faster than I want, and anticipating the awkwardness I really don't want to go in.  I suspect though that they're waiting for me.  Today I'm getting married.
I use the doggy door in the back, and get dressed in the small room they've got for that purpose.  I find them in the dining room having breakfast.  There's a plate for me at a seat next to Mason.  The food is cold, but tastes good.  Members of the pack are present.  Not all of them, just the ones who live in the house.  I can hear them talking about me.
"That's her!  I thought she'd be prettier.  The fates must hate him."
"She's too skinny!"
"I can't believe he has to marry that!"
"Jessa was so much better."
I ignore them and eat, but their words burrow into my head.  They'll echo there tonight when I'm trying to fall asleep.  Right now though I just stare the whisperers down.
"I can hear you talking," I say.  "You don't have to approve of me.  You just have to shut up."  After I confront them I get sheepish looks from most, and glares from the young women.  I don't think they anticipated me confronting them.
The Alpha, who had been reading on a tablet, looks up at my words, and growls at them.  He's showing his irritation at their words without undermining my authority.  I was going to be marrying a dominant.  I was expected to be able to handle things myself.
Luna Victoria, who's sitting across from me, leans in and speaks.  "The wedding will be this morning.  No reason to wait.  Mason doesn't want a fuss."  More like Mason doesn't want a wedding.  "Jamal will officiate, and we'll submit you to the registry online.  If this works Mason will start healing right away, but it will be a while before we know if it's working.  It will be weeks before he's fully healed, but I'm sure this will work."
I smile politely at her in agreement, and finish my breakfast.  By the time I'm done everyone's finished and gone into the living room.  I follow them.  The Alpha and Mason have moved to the space in front of the empty fireplace.  I go stand with them.  Everyone else is lounging around on the many couches and chairs, talking amongst themselves.
"Alright, everyone listen up."  The Alpha says.  "This is the marriage of Mason Davis and Chloe Chan."
"Let's get this over with," Mason says.
The Alpha looks at him in irritation, and continues.  "I will prick your fingers, and you'll partake of each other's blood then say your vows.  After that you're married."  He takes out the ceremonial dagger and first cuts the tip of Mason's finger.  Without any ado Mason sticks his finger in my mouth.  I suck it clean. Then the Alpha cuts my finger, and I hold it up to Mason.  He doesn't take it in his mouth just licks it with disgust on his face.  The magic in us flares to life, and I can feel him in the corner of my mind.
"Mason, say your vows," the Alpha says.
"I don't have any."
The Alpha clears his throat and turns to me.  "Do you have any vows?"
Mason looks at me and then moves away, not waiting for me to speak.
"I guess not," I say.  And with that we're married.

Letting Go [complete - expanding chapters during rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now