Part 2 (edited)

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Getting rid of the recap cause they're annoying to write.



I walk towards the door, I enter the room where my parents were sitting.

I was met with a young man, whom I assume isTom Riddle or commonly known as Voldemort...

I then remembered what he asked me before, if I wanted to join him, leave the light, and join the dark.

I'm considering whether or not to accept his offer...

Ugh, I don't know...

I took a deep breath, pondering at the idea a bit more, before I realized that somebody else was there.

Snape?! He looks... younger?
Almost his entire appearance seems nicer.

I don't think he recognizes me... my appearance has changed a lot since midnight.

I looked into the mirror when the ritual was done, I looked even more different than when I came here.

My looks were completely different!

Voldemort looked at me, slightly shocked.

I looked back, still processing this new information.

It is the first time I met my real parents, and I have no clue what to do or say.

Snape and Voldemort were still wary to see their son, or well, me, after so lone.

Voldemort and Snape were still in the moment of processing everything.

"Is that really you, son?"

"Yeah, I think... heh."

"Vallon... I don't know what to say..." Snape spoke, still slightly wary.

"I know and I'm sorry.."

"No! Don't be sorry, it isn't your fault..! We're happy to see you back! But... we want to know, were where you this whole time?"

I took a deep breathe, not sure on how to tell them anything, when...

"Tom... How do we even know it's him? Dumbledore knows how he looks like and his inheritance, and everything! He could have probably had sent a clone to find out our secrets..."

It made sense on what Snape said, I should also be careful of what they say and do. This all could be a ploy by Dumbledore to "test my loyalty" and whatnot...

"... You're right Sev. Vallon, how can we really believe it's you? There has to be at least one thing you remember correlating you to us?"

I was confused, but then I realized something..

"How can I have any memories? I was taken at a toddler and grew up with the Dursleys."

"This is common information for almost all Dumbledore followers. We need something that really proves that you are actually our son." Papa muttered.

"How are we going to do this?"

"Blood test," both Snape and Voldemort spoke.


Sorry it's so short, I forgot about writing cause I had a couple of tests today...

But, it's all good!

Cya on Friday!


USA people


UPDATE - September 3rd, 2032
Wow, this was cringy and completely unrealistic as hell-

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