Part 8 (edited)

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CHAPTER 8 -New Friend-

When Vallon woke up, he was met with a similar dream to the one he had before.
The same setting, the same platform, the same everything.
Just one difference, this time, he managed to catch a glimpse of the silhouette's face.

Before he could register it, he was awoken by a voice.

The person started getting blurrier and blurrier.
"Vallon, wake up!"

Vallon groaned.

"Vallon, is it true..?"
Tom whispered, still not being able to comprehend what was happening.


Tom was sitting at the table, looking at The Daily Prophet's article of how the great Harry Potter has gone missing.
He laughed to him self, as he was happy with the disappearance of Potter.

Before he could finish reading the article, a hooting owl was in front of him.
The owl nudged the paper it was holding to Tom, urging him to take it.
Tom took the paper, unsure of what it could be.

The second Tom had opened the letter, his face dropped, and he immediately made his way over to Severus.


"What's true?"
Tom held up the Hogwarts Letter.

Vallon's eyes were wide open.
"I... I'm sorry, I should've told you.. Yes, it is true..."

"Why didn't you tell me? You know how important this information is?"

"I know, but I didn't want you to be angry and whatnot."

"That's not a good excuse. What if something happened? What if I thought that I saw 'Harry Potter' and KILLED HIM?"

"I know..."

"Still not a good enough answer."

"Ok, but did you tell... uh, other dad?"

"Yes, I did, he was the first person to find out actually."


"Yes.. He was upset that he hurt his own son for the past 3 years.."


"It's fine, I almost killed you... I should be the one who's ashamed."


Tom and Vallon finished their conversation with that.
They both left the room to do their own things.
Tom went to Snape to comfort him.
Vallon went to the skate park, hoping to meet his other friends.


He went to the Skate part, not seeing anybody there, as it was early morning.
Vallon got bored after a but of roaming around and decided it was time to head back.
While he was skating back, all he could think about is the person he saw in his dream.

Their gorgeous pale white skin.
Their beautiful platinum gold hair.
Their vibrant ocean blue eyes, as they stared deep into him.

Vallon wanted everything to do with the person he saw in his dream.
It was sort of an awakening for him to find the one he loves and take care of them.

Vallon shook his head, trying to get rid of the idea of him and-
Somebody bumped into Vallon before he could finish that thought.

"Ah- Oh, sorry dude, didn't see ya there!"

"Oh, uhm,it's fine.."

"What's you're name? Mine is Acol"

"It's nice to meet you as well. My name is Vallon."

"'Sup Vallon, where ya headin'?"

"Nowhere really, I was going to head back home, since I got nothing to do here."

"Hmm, do you want to hang out or something?"

"Uh, I guess?"

"Ok, wanna head to the ice cream shop near by? Take it as an apology for bumping in to ya."

"Sure, why not..?"

"Ok, c'mon!"


Once they finished eating ice cream and talking, Acol went to meet up with his friends.
Vallon decided not to go, as he wanted to sleep.

He continued his way back home, while he kept thinking about that person.
He still couldn't grasp the fact it was..
This train of thought was interrupted once again, but this time, by Severus's voice.

"Vallon, there you are!"

"Hello, dad."


Hello humans, sorry for not posting for 2 weeks..
I'm planning the next couple of chapters!

I'm posting this a day early as well, so yay to that..!
I don't mind criticism and grammar police!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter..

Bye bitches~



Yeah yeah, I know-
Too long of a wait to edit and whatnot
Decided I needed a break from writing to focus on other things

Anywho, this chapter wasn't so bad, just a lot of "Oh, uh"'s to get rid of and edit

Hopes ya like this better version

Secret Inheritance ◆●•REWRITE•●◆ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora