"No(I answered.) No I can't tell you any dream because  I, I didn't have any." I said honestly, the last thing I remember is getting Into bed while Brandon hugged on me. I smiled at that thought and I saw Brandon blush in embarrassment almost as if he was reading my mind.

" just as I had anticipated, you were fighting in your Dream."

" What? What are you talking about? "

"Here drink this," she said handing me the cup and I gulped down the bitter liquid no questions asked.

I felt my vision blurr up and the last thing I heard was
"tell me what you see"

I found myself walking through a familiar forest and from a distance, watching some kids having an argument about killing a bird. I could recognise their faces but couldn't exactly tell who they were and I couldn't hear a word they were saying all I could do was watch them when suddenly the little girl suspended the bird in a bubble dome and immediately the memory was fresh in my mind, that little girl was me and the little boy was William but how come I never remembered this part, this  was the first time my powers were revealing themselves, I wonder if William remembers that.

I didn't take long in that green bright forest, when suddenly my body was sucked in and I landed in a dry veld, a dry scary veld full of dead bodies. I could see myself having and argument with and ugly werewolf creature, before my eyes turned to a blue reflecting light and I was fighting super Fast. I tried to get a closer look of the creature but then I fell into a deep dark hole and was brought back to myself. I choked hard while breathing heavily, Diane once again handed me a cup to drink and this time it was just water, thank goodness.

"Now that was something else." I heard her comment

"What you saw that?" I asked then realized that our right hands were intertwined."Did? Di...Did you see all that? That girl, that's me little me, I don't even remember when that happened, I don't remember anything about it, and that Beast. I mean I saw a picture of it in Brandon's book last nig,,, I mean the last time I went to bed but, I just I don't.. "

"Calm down Scarlett please." Brandon said sitting next to me.

I took a deep breath in. I couldn't stop thinking about that last dream, it was so brutal, is that what Vivian meant? Is that how bad things will be if I don't man up and start acting my part as a Luna and a protector, this dream was a real wake up call.

"What was the meaning of that dream?" I half whispered looking at Diane with a confused look.

"Its a very rare situation that you are going through Scarlett, the First that I've  dealt with in all my years of being a witch you can only imagine how long I've lived."

" what? What is it? Tell me please. "

"Uhm,,, you my dear are not in sync with your spirit."She said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"What is that supposed to mean?are you saying that my spirit is rejecting me?"

"Oh no, no no not that, just uhm it does not recognise you, yet it has not become a part of you, its almost as if there are two beings harbouring inside of you, and your Spirit is doing just that, harbouring. It works alone, which is why you always faint or black out when it takes over your body, it does not work with you, it just borrows your body."

"How is that even possible? Its my spirit, my gift it was made for me, how is it not a part of me? What am I not doing? How do I fix it, what, what am I supposed to do? We will do double training sessions  I,,, I,,"

"Its not about training scarlett, you need to find yourself, your Spirit doesn't recognise you because you yourself don't recognise who you are."

"But I do, I know who I am. I am Scarlett, LUNA of The Shadow of the Night Pack, I am a protector, I am a bloody fighter. I don't want to lose the people around me, they are my people   I will literally do anything to protect them Diane."

"Channel your Strength Scarlett, The Strength of a Luna, the power within. Channel it and focus on it." Diane said and I swear I felt a spark light up inside of me I was not about to let the only family I had be taken away from me by some power obsessed ugly looking beast.

Yes thats right, I did just call them my Family. They did have a welcoming ceremony to recognise me as their Luna, Brandon did Mark me as his mate, his love his Luna so yes this pack is my family and hell will freeze over before I let anything happen to them.

Diane left the room and Megan mind linked me to ask me if I was Strong enough for training, since you know I'd been out for two days straight.

"Don't be such a slave driver Meg, Scarr needs to rest."

"It was not an open conversation dear invasive brother."

I laughed the two siblings and then I assured Brandon that I would be fine, I mean I think in those two days of sleep I got all the rest I needed.

Was I ready? Hell yeah I was.

Seconds later Jason came to get Brandon for some business, no not werewolf business, literal business they had to check the Ledgers of the theatre apparently something was off about those numbers. If you ask me my money is on Tony, I hate that fucking prick.

"Hey crack head, I'm glad to see you are okay, told you all that crack wasn't good for you."

"Its nice to see you too Jason."

"I'm glad you're okay Scarr."

"Ohh so we using names now." I teased him to lighten the atmosphere a little

He was about to retreat when Vivian came to get him, she looked at me in that "I'm glad you're okay and I hope you've come to your senses" kinda look. I don't know why but I kinda want to spend more time with Vivian, I feel like she gets me, and I feel like she sees a part of me that some  people don't.
I smiled and nodded at her.

Brandon had his jacket on and was ready to go.

"Brandon, I was hoping we could talk about..."

"Don't worry Scarr everything is okay." He said giving me a genuine look

"I,,, but I want to explain, a lot of things need to be clarified."

"Its okay, we will talk when I get back."he replied softly placing a soft kiss on my head.
I hugged him, holding on tightly to him.

"I love you." I whispered and I felt his heart beat quicken. I raised my head to look at him and his eyes were glistening with tears. I cupped his face in both my hands

He burried his head in my neck wrapping his arms tightly around my waist

And I,, well I felt okay.

IG@ MileyGladay

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