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Y/n's POV

I stare at the unread text that I've sent to Hyungwon. Right... he's having his class right now and I have nothing else to do but treating myself with some ice cream.

"one chocolate mint please," I ordered

"Make it two"  I look at the guy behind me in confusion. Whoever you are sir, please wait for your turn. 

"What?" He asked with a cold expression.

"Please wait for your turn, thank you" I smile and look away thinking that I've done 'something'. The man walks closer towards and-

"I'll pay" He insisted. "What was your name again?" he asked again. oh, how annoying this dude is!

"Changkyun. Lim. Chang. Kyun." he introduced himself out of nowhere. Damn, this dude is creepy too... but he looks familiar tho. Same goes to his name. Where have i seen him before? Changkyun... CHANGKYUN? 

I look at him in horror. 

"Wait... you're Jooheon's friend right?!" i asked in excitement. 

"I'm not his friend!" he rolls his eyes and leave. Eh? Was he not? 

"Your change miss?"

End of y/n POV

Hyungwon smiles while reading y/n text messages. His eyes were fixed on his phone instead of looking straight while walking. He ends up bumping into someone.

"Ouch! Look where you're going!" Said the girl. Her book was thrown everywhere around the corridor. "I'm sorry!" Apologized to Hyungwon to her. He quickly helps her pick up her books.
"Thanks." Said the girl, smiling. Their eyes met for a while. Hyungwon felt something weird happening in his heart. He was surprised to see the girl's beauty. She has long wavy hair, beautiful eyes... She's a girl that every guy wished for!

"Ah... This is how university girls look like..." Hyungwon whispered to himself."I-I'm sorry... I'll be more careful next time." he apologized again for the second time.

"It's okay! I'm Jisoo by the way." She introduced herself with a smile on her face. Hyungwon stood still in front of her. Did a girl just introduce herself to him?

This is the first time a girl has introduced herself since birth except for all her mother's friends. And why would she introduce herself? And of course, y/n is excluded.

"And you are?"

"Huh? Oh... I'm Hyungwon..."


Hyungwon walks to the garden alone. He couldn't seem to get that Jisoo girl out of his mind. He smiles alone just by thinking about Jisoo's beautiful eyes and attractive smile.

He walks slowly until he reached the garden. His eyes wandered around the garden looking for y/n. She's quite small so it's hard for him to see her. He continued looking around until he saw Jooheon laughing.

"She's probably with them..." He whispered to himself.  He walks towards them and saw y/n and Jooheon laughing while their other hand hitting Changkyun's arms.

"What are they talking about?" He asked himself. He walks towards them but they didn't seem to notice him. He makes a scoff until y/n noticed him. "Oh? Hyungwon-SSI!" She waved to him as he seats next to the serious-looking Changkyun.

"What are you guys talking about? I can hear you laughing from miles away." He said.

"Changkyun told us a funny story!" Said Jooheon, continue to laugh.

"It is not funny at all." Said Changkyun with a serious face.

"It is dummy!" Jooheon and y/n continued their never-ending laughing session.

"What story are you telling? Mind sharing?" Asked Hyungwon to Changkyun out of curiosity. He was confused to see y/n and Jooheon laughing their ass out while Changkyun looks super serious.

He doesn't even smirk while looking at them. Even though Hyungwon didn't know the real story behind the crazy laughing session, he couldn't help himself from not smiling while looking at the two of them.

"It was about ramen. I don't know what is so funny about it. I told them I tried to cook ramen on my own last night but it ends up tasting like soap." He explains. "Really? Well, I once cook ramen for y/n and her brother but it ends up tasting like a damn poison." Listening to Hyungwon's story finally making Changkyun laughed a little. Showing his teeth at least.

"It legit tastes so bad. I couldn't explain the taste but it really tastes like poison." Said Y/n.

For the first time since they first met, they finally get to see Changkyun laughing. Jooheon and y/n stop laughing as they were shocked to see Chankyun.

"We even got food poisoning!"

"What the hell did you put in there?!"

We're NOT In Love [ONGOING] // Chae Hyungwon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now