𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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It had almost been half an hour by the time 035 practically fell through the front door. He had a new host, this one more average in height, and wearing a grocery store uniform. He had a paper bag with him, and inside was presumably a wine bottle. "So," he said. "I may have brought a little attention to myself."

Not to lie, 049 was very worried.. and on edge at it slowly became the deadline until he should probably pack up and leave, even if he didn't want too. He was caught off-guard by 035, clearly startled as he shot a glare at the other. " I thought.. you said.. you were going on.. A GODDAMN WALK?!!- " He shouted, standing up as his glare softened to a rather confused yet pissed off expression. " HOW did you manage to bring attention to yourself!? "

"Well, there wasn't anywhere selling wine close, so I... may or may not have stolen a car- The point is that then I found somewhere, but they wouldn't give me any. So instead it got the cashier as my host and just took some instead."

049 would inhale rubbing the templates of his mask, clearly annoyed. " You.. I.. So let me get this straight. In the span of almost 30 minutes.. you managed to steal a car, drive to the store, possess the cashier, and grab wine..? "

"Oh, and crash that car. I did that as well."

He shook his head is a disapproval manor as he folded his arms. " Are you.. intoxicated? Hm.. better question is, is your HOST intoxicated? "

"No no! Just a little excited." He went to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards, trying to find glasses. "I got it to share, after all."

049 took a moment to just.. take it all in. He'd then hum in thought as he looked to 035. " What kind of wine is it, if you don't mind me asking.. "

"A white. Ugh, but I wish I could have found something a bit less cheap." He finally found some old glasses that had been left behind, apparently. He took out two and put them on the counter.

049 took one of the glasses, and rushed over to the sink. He of course wash it, not taking any chance of there being dust or dirt... or germs on it. " Not a fan of white.. but, I suppose it'll do. There are so many types to choose from. "

"Oh shush, you could have gotten it yourself, if you're going to be so picky about it."

" My apologizes.. by "I'm going on a walk" means "I'm going to cause havoc and get wine." " He said before sitting down. " I've been tense.. so this should help me relax anyways. "

"Exactly, doctor." He poured some of the wine into each of the glasses and sat across from 049.

049 held the glass up for a moment, giving a small " Cheers. " Before taking a long sip of win from the glass. It was a bit difficult.. seeing how his mask was somewhat blocking him from drinking most of it. He needed a straw..

Though 035 could have lifted himself up a bit from his host, he decided to just pass it through his own mouth to the host's behind it. It was a bit difficult, but he had practice.

049 would let out a semi-relaxed sighed as he smiled. " I can't remember the last time I had something so refreshing.. "

"𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝"  An 035 x 049 fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now