𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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The doctor glared at 035 for a moment before hesitantly entering the cell for a moment. It.. didn't take long for him to start running.. he found the place completely disgusting, so he didn't hesitant for a second to start running out of the hole 035 created in the cell, aiming for the facility's exit.

Watching 049 go, 035 waited for him to get a head start. He slowly walked past the case he was normally kept in to the hole in the wall and looked out. Strangely, he felt nervous. He'd never been stage fright before. Maybe it's not for myself, he thought, looking at 049's back as he left. Dismissing the thought, 035 began to run after him.

049 kept running toward the exit despite having the urge to help those with the Pestilence.. to cure them. He didn't stop, even if that urge was strong. Unfortunately, coming towards the end of the safe containment hallways, the doctor caught a glimpse of a security guard on his right. Not even another second, the guard fired at 049 with intent to contain what he assumed to be a threat. And of course, 049 ended up with a bullet in an arm which caused him to slow down and his in pain while covering the wound.. even though it wasn't a fatal wound.

035 saw the security guard before he even shot. Without thinking, his anger surged. A tentacle covered in 035's goo shot from the host's body, finding it's mark at the guard. It coiled around his neck and threw him against a wall. 035 ran to 049, quickly picking him up and carrying him. "Of course..." he muttered as he kept running.

049 would let out a small grunt when being picked up, tightening his grip around the wound. He'd shut his eyes tightly before bringing a hand up to 035 and just dramatically placing a hand on his cheek. " If we don't make it out of here.. I need to tell you something. " He said in the most dramatic way possible.

He looked down at him, incredulous. Frankly, if he could blush, he would be blushing. "Oh my god, doc, whatever you have to say can wait!! We're kind of in the middle of something here!" he yelled.

The injured doctor would let out a small grown as he just covered the bullet would he had received. " Ça fait mal... " He uttered, along with a small whine. ( T: Ça fait mal... : It hurts... )

035 slowed for a moment. "Ugh..." He quickly looked around for some kind of cloth that he could use as a bandage. Seeing none, he reached around to the place where the tentacle had come from, pulling a ripped piece of his host's undershirt out. "Ici, mon ami," he said, quickly passing the cloth to him. "You're the doctor here, you fix yourself up." ( T: Ici, mon ami : Here, my friend )

049 sighed, irritated of course. Not finding there was much time.. nor material to pull the bullet out.. the doctor stuck his thumb and index finger into the wound, letting out a few grunts and hisses of pain as he dragged the bullet out of his skin. When that was over.. he quickly used the piece of cloth he had been given and tied it, using it as a bandage for the moment. " Merci.. " ( T: Merci... : Thanks... )

"Of course... mio caro.." He added the last part under his breath, very quietly. He got back to running. They were nearly out of Safe Containment.

049 closed his eyes, leaning up against 035's host as he continued to hold his hand over the cloth. He had many doubts in his mind.. alarms going off as that anxiety begun barking at his door once again.

Finally breaking through the doors, they were free. "Alright," 035 said. Suddenly, more gunfire sounded behind them. Most of the bullets hit 035's host's back, shielding 049. "So, where now? France? Italy?" He was still running, but of course had time for that.

"𝐔𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝"  An 035 x 049 fanfic. (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now